
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
089 / 2 Path planning for robot-assisted grinding processes 2015-07-13
089 / 1 加熱料管中流體溫度動態模式之建構與比較 2014-05-15
086 / 1 兩軸伺服機構路徑誤差改善之研究 2010-06-16
086 / 1 多軸伺服機構運動命令之分析與模擬 2010-06-16
086 / 1 力量觀測器在自動拋光系統的應用 2014-05-15
085 / 2 自動拋光系統中接觸力量控制之研究 2010-06-16
093 / 1 微衛星TUUSAT-1A任務與飛行軟體操作模式規劃 2014-08-27
087 / 1 兩軸伺服機構精密運動控制 2014-07-04
089 / 1 模糊理論應用於塑膠壓出程序之建模與控制 2014-05-21
085 / 1 兩軸伺服機構交叉耦合控制 2014-05-01
090 / 1 六足機器人系統運動設計與模擬 2010-06-16
090 / 1 視覺導引行動機器人運動控制 2010-06-16
091 / 1 全景影像座標模糊糢式轉換 2010-06-16
081 / 1 A new approach to simulation of mechanical systems with unilateral frictional constraints : applications to robotics & manufacturing 2013-09-01
081 / 1 Simulations of mechanical systems with multiple frictional contacts 2010-06-16
081 / 1 Dynamic analysis of planar mechanical systems with frictional contact 2010-06-16
089 / 2 投籃機械臂伺服控制 2010-06-16
085 / 1 多軸伺服機構精密運動控制 2010-06-16
086 / 1 自動拋光機之控制系統研發 2010-06-16
087 / 1 塑膠押出過程之壓力與溫度控制 2010-06-16
090 / 1 Internal model control with a grey predictor 2010-06-16
090 / 2 Grey modeling and control of a thermal barrel in plastic molding processes 2024-01-19
091 / 1 灰模式雜訊過濾器之設計與應用 2010-06-16
085 / 1 機械手臂曲面碎形路徑磨拋之模擬 2010-06-16
082 / 2 Modeling and Control of Two-Arm Manipulation by A Perturbation Approach 2010-06-16
092 / 1 Development of a mobile robot with on-board vision 2010-06-16
083 / 1 以類神經網路推測機械手臂與環境之接觸力 2014-06-13
081 / 2 機械元件高速組合之模擬 2014-05-21
086 / 1 教學用機械系統模擬軟體開發 2010-06-16
087 / 1 磨拋接觸力分析與控制 2010-06-16
091 / 2 小型機器人足球比賽的策略設計 2014-04-10
091 / 1 足球機器人動作選擇機制之設計 2010-06-16
099 / 2 Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects in SLAM using Vision Sensors 2014-02-11
092 / 2 視覺輔助光碟燒錄機托盤之定位檢測 2014-07-30
100 / 1 Robot Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments 2011-11-22
080 / 2 Dynamics of rigid bodies undergoing multiple frictional contacts 2012-10-26
096 / 1 Self-Localization of a PC-based Controlled Humanoid Robot 2012-10-26
096 / 1 Robot Self-Localization using Feature Scan Matching with an Omni-directional Vision 2012-10-26
087 / 1 Generation of fractal tool paths for automated surface finisihing processes 2012-10-26
088 / 1 Development of a polishing robot system 2014-10-14
100 / 2 Moving Object Detection Using Monocular Vision 2012-11-19
101 / 1 Robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Using Speeded-Up Robust Features 2012-11-26
091 / 2 小型機器人足球比賽場景的影像處理 2014-10-23
091 / 2 小型機器人足球比賽的策略設計 2014-10-23
090 / 2 塑膠加熱料管溫度建模與狀態迴授控制 2014-09-25
102 / 1 Data Association and Map Management for Robot SLAM using Local Invariant Features 2013-11-01
095 / 1 機器視覺系統發展與光碟方位辨識應用 2014-05-15
097 / 1 Self-Localization of a Small-Size Humanoid Soccer Robot Based on Natural Image Features 2014-05-14
092 / 2 Term Formation Control for Soccer Robot Systems 2014-05-07
081 / 1 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems Involving Multiple Frictional Contacts 2014-07-04
086 / 1 管溝開挖崩塌防止技術研究 2014-05-07
094 / 1 設計與驅動全方位移動機器人 2014-05-14
088 / 2 泛用型磨拋模組研製 2014-05-08
086 / 1 多軸伺服機構精確運動控制分析 2014-05-08
091 / 1 全景影像座標模糊模式轉換 2014-05-08
091 / 1 灰階式雜訊過濾器之設計與應用 2014-05-08
090 / 1 Internal Model Control with a Grey Predictor 2014-06-13
091 / 2 小型機器人足球比賽場景的影像處理 2014-07-15
092 / 2 視覺輔助光碟燒錄機托盤之定位檢測 2015-06-12
091 / 2 小型機器人足球比賽場景的影像處理 2014-09-25
103 / 1 Calibrated Kinect Sensors for Robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 2015-03-27
103 / 1 Calibrated Kinect Sensors for Robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 2015-06-03
103 / 1 Feature Extracted Algorithm for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) 2015-06-03
104 / 1 Aerial Robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with a Monocular Vision 2015-11-01
105 / 1 Fuzzy Data Association of Aerial Robot Monocular SLAM 2018-04-17
106 / 1 Visual Moving Objects Tracking Using Shape Detectors and Object Models 2018-09-26
106 / 1 Improved visual odometry system based on kinect RGB-D sensor 2019-10-21
106 / 1 Enhanced visual odometry algorithm based on elite selection method and voting system 2019-10-21
106 / 2 Improvement of Robot Localization and Mapping Using Local Mapping 2019-10-21
107 / 2 Robot assisted Packaging by Learning from Demonstration Using Deep Learning 2019-10-21
108 / 1 Robot-Assisted Double-Pulse Gas Metal Arc Welding for Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing 2020-04-10
108 / 2 Monocular-vision Object Pose Estimation Based on Deep Learning #04.優質教育 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2020-04-09
111 / 2 Person Re-identification with AGW baseline using Polynomial Expansion of Cross Entropy Loss 2024-03-19
111 / 2 Effect of Laser Welding Heat-Input on Re-passivation Characteristics during Pitting Corrosion Testing on 316L Orthopedic Cerclage-Wire 2024-03-19