
學年 106
學期 1
發表日期 2017-08-21
作品名稱 Visual Moving Objects Tracking Using Shape Detectors and Object Models
著者 Yin-Tien Wang; Chin-An Shen
會議名稱 The 14th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems (MobiWis 2017)
會議地點 布拉格,捷克(Prague, Czech Republic)
摘要 This paper presents an algorithm of robot visual moving-object tracking (MOT) based on the probabilistic object model with a pe-destrian detector. Three major research topics investigated in the study include the combination of moving feature detection and pe-destrian detection, the improvement of probabilistic object model, and the tuning mechanism of object model training. The developed MOT was further integrated with the visual simultaneous localiza-tion and mapping (vSLAM) to form a simultaneous localization, mapping, and moving object tracking system. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) was used to estimate the system states and the speeded-up robust features (SURFs) were employed to represent the visual environment map. Experiments were carried out in this research to validate the performance of the developed systems.
關鍵字 Visual simultaneous;localization;mapping (vSLAM); Object model;Pe-destrian detectors, Visual moving object tracking
語言 en_US
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20170821~20170823
通訊作者 Yin-Tien Wang
國別 CZE
出處 Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems - 14th MobiWIS 2017, Prague, Proceedings _ Muhammad Younas _ Springer

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/115036 )