
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
087 / 2 教育研究在教育決策中的定位與展望 2014-09-25
088 / 1 台灣近十年來教育領導研究的後設分析---性別觀點 2014-07-15
100 / 2 學習導向的校長領導-領導踐行與能力發展的初探 2014-07-16
100 / 1 百年教育改革政策的回顧 2014-07-16
100 / 2 學習導向的教育領導:計畫的探究構想 2019-12-23
100 / 1 性別平等教育之課程與教學政策走向 2014-07-16
090 / 1 學校領導中的權力蘊義:教師會的反思 2014-07-16
095 / 1 性別統計中的教育圖像 2014-07-16
090 / 1 九年一貫課程中兩性教育議題的融入與轉化 2014-07-16
090 / 1 由集權到共享:教育革新中校長領導角色的轉變與問題 2014-07-16
089 / 2 學校中的變革 2014-08-26
089 / 1 我國國民中小學學校成員權能感現況與成因調查研究:以教師會作為研究焦點 2014-09-23
089 / 1 危機或轉機:探討教師會對我國教師會經營之影響 2014-07-16
088 / 1 Belenky等人的女性知識論 2014-07-16
088 / 1 臺灣近十年來教育領導研究的後設分析:性別觀點 2014-07-16
083 / 1 家庭生活與兒童人格發展 2013-05-24
083 / 1 兩岸師範教育政策與問題之比較 2013-06-04
084 / 1 以愛與智慧建構兒童人格 2013-05-24
087 / 1 教育學發展的女性主義觀點:女性主義教育學初探 2013-05-24
089 / 1 教師生涯的再概念化 2013-06-04
089 / 1 學校革新的經驗與反思 2013-05-24
090 / 1 社會科學研究的流變 2013-05-24
090 / 1 大學自我評鑑之實施:以臺灣師大為例 2013-05-24
090 / 1 學校革新經驗的回顧與展望 2013-05-24
081 / 2 幼兒教育師資養成課程 2013-06-04
082 / 1 從角色取替看幼兒發展 2013-06-04
082 / 1 學齡前幼兒角色取替能力之分析 2013-05-24
083 / 1 美國幼兒師資培育學程的認可制度 2013-05-24
095 / 2 臺灣教育指標系統建構計畫之緣起及方法 2013-05-24
095 / 2 臺灣教育指標系統建構計畫之初步結果 2013-05-24
101 / 2 從學習領導析論學習共同體概念與實踐 2013-05-24
073 / 1 Play of kindergarten children in Taiwan, the Republic of China 2013-05-24
073 / 1 Toys and child development 2013-05-24
074 / 1 Indices of parent involvement in relation to first graders' Metropolitan test scores 2013-05-24
075 / 1 Self-concept, peer status, and social behaviors in an integrated day care center 2013-05-24
078 / 1 Early childhood education in Taiwan, the Republic of China 2013-05-24
083 / 1 Taipei Schools: A case study of low SES School 2013-05-24
087 / 1 Leadership of an effective principal: A Taiwan's case study 2013-05-24
088 / 1 School improvement in Taiwan: Problems and possibilities. 2013-05-24
089 / 2 Gender, culture and career: Two junior high school women teachers' conceptualization 2013-05-24
091 / 1 Challenges in a new era of school change 2013-05-24
091 / 1 Problems and prospects in the process of school change 2013-05-24
091 / 1 Leadership in an uncertain era: Principals’ struggles for shard leadership in Taiwan. 2013-06-04
093 / 1 Developing indicators of teachers’ professional competence. 2013-05-24
093 / 1 The indicators of teachers’ professional competence for promoting teacher quality. 2013-05-24
093 / 1 Leadership for school improvement 2013-05-24
094 / 1 教育行政研究趨勢 2019-12-23
094 / 1 以評鑑促進學校革新之思考 2013-05-24
094 / 1 臺灣教育政策中性別論述之形構 2013-05-24
094 / 2 尋找一個位置:幼兒園女性園長的領導經驗 2013-05-24
096 / 1 Using the Approach of Empowerment Evaluation in Schools: Case Studies 2013-05-24
098 / 1 Reform challenges and leadership development in Taiwan 2019-12-18
101 / 2 Instructional Leadership in Taiwan: What We have Learned from Two Decades of Research 2013-05-24
098 / 1 Organizational learning propelled by the developing stages of evaluation. 2013-06-13
099 / 2 Theory-driven evaluation of a pilot program of teacher evaluation for professional development in Taiwan: The case of Taipei elementary schools 2020-01-16
099 / 2 Teacher evaluation as a catalyst for organizational learning: A case study 2020-01-16
097 / 2 Teacher evaluation as a means for professional development. 2013-06-13
094 / 1 An indicator system for assessing teaching professional competence. 2013-06-14
097 / 1 An action cycle of empowerment evaluation: Feasibilities and challenges. 2014-08-14
096 / 1 Using the Approach of Empowerment Evaluation in Schools: Case Studies. 2013-06-14
095 / 2 Principal leadership which empowers teachers. 2014-08-22
094 / 2 The glocalized practices in school improvement: The case of Taiwan. 2013-06-14
093 / 2 Reexamining the concept of power in educational leadership: Power over vs. power with. 2013-06-14
093 / 2 Envisioning professional teaching in the new century 2020-01-16
093 / 1 Reconceptualizing power discourses of school leadership in a changing era. 2013-06-14
093 / 2 The new wave of high school curriculum reform in Taiwan 2013-06-14
099 / 2 Linking school improvement and teacher professional development evaluation: A senior high school case study 2014-08-22
100 / 2 Instructional Leadership in East Asian Schools 2014-08-22
093 / 2 大學自我評鑑之蘊義與實施經驗:臺灣師大案例分析 2014-08-27
092 / 1 從性別盲到性別敏感的教育研究:以婦女成人教育與性教育研究的文獻回顧為例 2019-12-23
099 / 1 教育領導與學校變革研究議題的發展 2014-08-27
099 / 1 促進學校發展之評鑑機制 2019-12-23
098 / 1 教師專業發展評鑑的後設評鑑:以國立附設小學為例 2014-09-25
097 / 2 結合學校革新的教師專業發展評鑑:一所高中個案分析 2014-09-25
097 / 2 促進參與者與方案發展的增能評鑑取徑 2014-09-25
096 / 1 臺灣中小學教師評鑑標準之建構:德懷術分析 2020-01-16
095 / 2 教師專業標準與評鑑 2014-09-25
094 / 2 教育指標建構之國際瞭望 2014-09-25
094 / 1 教育行政研究趨勢 2014-09-25
092 / 2 邁向下一代的教育評鑑:回顧與前瞻 2014-09-25
091 / 1 性別平等教育的意涵與實踐 2014-09-25
091 / 1 社會科學研究典範的流變 2014-09-25
090 / 2 綜合高中評鑑的概念與實施 2014-09-25
090 / 1 學校效能與改進 2014-09-25
089 / 2 以彰權益能觀點檢核學校教師會運作 2014-09-25
089 / 2 學校革新研究的構思與作法 2014-09-25
088 / 1 教師增權擴能概念與實施策略研究 2014-09-25
089 / 2 踏尋研究中女教師生涯的影貌 2014-09-27
096 / 1 國外教師評鑑標準之分析 2014-09-25
104 / 1 從學校變革觀點探析學習領導 2016-04-01
104 / 1 學習與分享造就了學校的不同!-「學習領導下的學習共同體方案」對教師教學與學校發展力之影響 2020-01-16
102 / 1 Practices of data-driven school development 2020-01-16
103 / 2 Leading School for learning: Principal practices in Taiwan. 2016-09-12
104 / 1 School practices of leading learning in Taiwan 2016-09-12
104 / 1 The Curriculum integration policy of gender equity education Issue: Retrospect and prospect 2016-09-12
104 / 1 Exploring the policy-shaping politics of teacher evaluation for professional development in Taiwan: The model of multiple streams 2016-09-12
105 / 1 Learning Community as an Approach of Leadership for Learning 2018-03-15
105 / 1 Contributions of Evaluation Tools to Program Design: lessons learned from the application of logic models and the action model/change model schema to a large-scale education program 2018-03-08
105 / 1 Using the Action Model/Change Model Schema to Design A Large-Scale Education Program 2018-03-08
105 / 2 Leading learning in the Asian school context: The case of Taiwan 2022-03-15
106 / 1 Triggering School Change by Leading Learning: Empirical Investigation of Using Learning Community as an Approach 2018-04-26
105 / 2 Leadership research across Chinese societies: Progress and prospect. 2018-04-18
105 / 2 Instructional Leadership in Taiwan: What We have Learned from Two Decades of Research. 2018-04-25
106 / 2 政府、大學與中小學的三角協作:促進學校變革的臺灣實踐經驗 2020-01-16
106 / 2 Leadership for Teacher Learning Across Eight Asian Societies 2018-06-01
106 / 2 Future 2025 of learning in higher education –Tamkang experience 2018-10-31
107 / 1 中央、地方、學校課程與教學領導的串接:以地方能量擴散作出發 2019-04-19
107 / 1 邁向標準本位的師資培育︰臺灣經驗 2019-04-19
106 / 2 邁向未來大學的教學創新︰臺灣經驗 2019-04-19
107 / 1 十二年國教普通高中課綱的轉化與實踐-八所學校的案例分析 2019-12-18
105 / 1 課綱轉化與學校變革之研究-以普通型高中研究合作學校為例 2019-10-15
108 / 1 學校在教改脈絡下的「變」與「不變」 2019-12-18
107 / 2 Linking principal and teacher leadership to teacher learning 2019-12-18
107 / 2 The Linkage of Taiwanese Scholarship on School Leadership with the Global Academia: A Co-citation Analysis 2024-02-27
103 / 1 縣市教育力指標系統-臺灣地方教育發展學會之初探 2019-12-18
108 / 1 The Tao of Leading Responsibility for Educational Change 2019-12-23
106 / 2 Innovative Curriculum design for the future global knowledge capital –Tamkang experience 2019-12-23
106 / 2 Unravelling the leadership sources facilitating teacher professional learning in Taiwan 2022-03-15
105 / 1 十二年國教普通高中課程實施綱要轉化探究之規劃與實踐-國家教育研究院模式再探 2020-01-16
104 / 2 The effects of learning community as an operational form of leadership for learning 2024-01-19
108 / 1 Innovation in Higher Education for the Global Future 2020-01-16
108 / 1 School Leadership Practices in Taiwan 2020-01-16
108 / 1 Leadership for Teacher Professional Learning 2020-01-16
108 / 1 跨:教育研究的思與做 2022-03-15
108 / 1 跨:教育研究的思與做 2022-03-15
108 / 1 課程綱要實施的第一哩路──連結、共創、演化 2021-09-03
107 / 1 教育績效管理與數據運用 2021-09-03
109 / 1 十二年國教課綱下學校變革認同整合型計畫初步成果:認知、情意與行為意向之分析 2021-09-03
109 / 1 打開教室的促動:影響學校人員公開授課的相關因素分析 2021-09-03
109 / 1 學校人員的權力分散領導觀對108課綱變革意向的影響 2021-09-03
109 / 1 學術研習營規劃與未來學習樣貌 2021-09-03
109 / 1 地方政府做為中繼站:高中精進教學計畫之核心概念 2021-09-03
109 / 1 銜接108課綱的通識教育 2021-09-03
109 / 2 掌握精進高中課程與教學計畫之撰寫要領 2021-09-03
109 / 2 掌握精進高中課程與教學計畫之撰寫要領 2021-09-03
110 / 1 教育研究的智庫功能發揮:形構大學、中小學與政府的鐵三角 2022-03-10
110 / 1 新時代通識能力的涵育:淡江的雲地連結 2022-03-10
110 / 2 涵育永續力揚帆人文與社會科學教育之新旅 2022-10-28
110 / 2 從自我到縣市視域的開展:高中精進計畫的成形 2023-03-24
110 / 2 加乘新課綱落地的動能:兼論系統領導 2023-03-24
111 / 1 建立學校促進學習的續航力:概念架構 2023-03-24
111 / 1 人機協作與教育決策:數據運用 2023-03-24
111 / 1 理想與現實交織的教育決策:機制的反思與展望 2023-03-24
111 / 2 十二年國教課綱中議題教育的實施途徑、挑戰與因應 2023-03-29
112 / 1 中央層級課綱推動之跨系統協作:協作與調適之開展 2024-09-12
112 / 1 學校治理促能系統的探究層級與觀點 2024-09-12
112 / 1 教育改革所為何來? 2024-09-12
112 / 2 Enhancing teacher innovation in curriculum reform contexts through school support 2024-09-16
111 / 2 Shared leadership: Teachers' and principals' perceptions match and the consequences for teacher satisfaction and autonomy. 2024-09-16
111 / 1 Leading school change: Practice of networked improvement communities 2024-09-16
108 / 2 How shared learning-centred leadership facilitates teacher learning 2024-09-13
113 / 1 The Power of Collective Leadership in Overcoming Educational Challenges and Uncertainties 2024-11-11
113 / 1 Assessing the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Program in Upper Secondary Schools: An Application of the Change Model 2024-11-11
113 / 1 What Makes Curriculum Reform at School Level Successful? An Evaluation Utilizing the Change Model. 2024-12-13