
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 1 Novel Route Maintenance Protocols for the Bluetooth Ad Hoc Network with Mobility 2013-09-13
097 / 1 An overlapping communication protocol using improved time-slot leasing for Bluetooth WPANs 2013-09-13
097 / 1 TMCP: Two-layer multicast communication protocol for Bluetooth radio networks 2013-09-14
097 / 2 Obstacle-Resistant Deployment Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks 2012-05-03
098 / 1 An Obstacle-Free and Power Efficient Deployment Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks 2016-12-22
097 / 1 A Location Aware Mobility based Routing Protocol for the Bluetooth Scatternet 2013-11-08
097 / 1 Congestion control of bluetooth radio system by piconet restructuring 2013-09-13
095 / 2 Relay reduction and disjoint routes construction for scatternet over Bluetooth radio system 2013-09-14
093 / 2 A generalized fault-tolerant sorting algorithm on a product network 2016-11-22
092 / 2 Task migration in n-dimensional wormhole-routed mesh multicomputers 2017-04-11
096 / 1 TARP: A traffic-aware restructuring protocol for Bluetooth radio networks 2014-07-30
095 / 2 Power control and fairness MAC mechanisms for 802.11 WLANs 2017-03-14
096 / 1 A location-aware multicasting protocol for Bluetooth Location Networks 2016-11-28
095 / 2 An efficient cluster-based multi-channel management protocol for wireless Ad Hoc networks 2016-12-21
095 / 1 無線感測網路中可克服障礙物之網路佈建及毀損修復之機器人演算法 2010-06-16
092 / 1 行動學習:電子書包與隨意教室 2010-06-16
092 / 1 Concept and design of Ad Hoc and Mobile classrooms 2016-12-30
095 / 1 BlueCube:Constructing a Hypercube Parallel Computing and Communication Environment over Bluetooth Radio Systems 2016-12-27
095 / 1 A Location-Aware Routing Protocol for the Bluetooth Scatternet 2016-11-28
093 / 2 ZBP: A Zone-Based Broadcasting Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks 2017-05-09
091 / 2 Dynamic channel assignment and reassignment for exploiting channel reuse opportunities in ad hoc wireless networks 2010-06-16
091 / 2 Obstacle-free geocasting protocols for single/multi-destination short message services in ad hoc networks 2017-01-13
090 / 2 Active route-maintenance protocol for signal-based communication path in ad hoc networks 2013-09-14
099 / 1 A frequency-aware data-centric mechanism for wireless sensor networks 2013-10-08
098 / 2 Decentralized and Energy-Balanced Algorithms for Maintaining Temporal Full-Coverage in Mobile WSNs 2013-10-08
094 / 2 Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for QoS Routing on TDMA-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 2013-09-14
087 / 1 A fault-tolerent model for replication in distributed file systems 2017-06-14
095 / 2 Distributed direction-based localization in wireless sensor networks 2013-12-05
098 / 1 A Novel Multi-Channel MAC Protocol with Directional Antenna for Enhancing Spatial Reuse and Bandwidth Utilization in WLANs 2013-09-10
099 / 1 Active Route-Guiding Protocols for Resisting Obstacles in Wireless Sensor Networks 2014-12-04
084 / 1 Compile-time scheduling of multithread data localities on multiple vector processors 2014-01-21
089 / 1 Efficient Address Generation for Affine Subscripts in Data-Parallel Programs 2017-01-10
088 / 2 Efficient index generation for compiling two-level mappings in data-parallel programs 2015-05-12
088 / 2 Efficient path-based multicast in wormhole-routed mesh networks 2013-12-09
097 / 1 Energy Efficient Robot Repairing Algorithms for Maintaining Coverage Quality in Wireless Sensor Networks 2013-09-14
097 / 1 Energy-Aware Node Placement, Topology Control and MAC Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks 2013-09-14
081 / 1 Fault-tolerant sorting algorithm on hypercube multiprocessors 2011-10-05
094 / 1 Guard: A Guide, Alarm, Recovery, and Detection System on A Wireless Sensor Network for The Blind 2011-10-05
090 / 1 Hierarchical Cellular-Based management for mobile hosts in Ad-Hoc wireless networks 2013-12-09
089 / 1 Improving memory traffic by assembly-level exploitation of reuses for vector registers 2017-01-13
095 / 2 On Improving Network Connectivity by Code-Switching Mechanisms for Wireless Mesh Networks 2013-12-04
090 / 1 Reducing Cache Conflicts by Multi-Level Cache Partitioning and Array Elements Mapping 2024-04-12
090 / 2 Skewed Data Alignment in Compiling Programs for Distributed Memory Multicomputers 2012-03-07
094 / 1 Some Studies and Lessons Learned from Mobile Outside Classroom Learning 2011-10-05
095 / 2 Supporting Temporal Full-Coverage by Energy-Balanced Hole-Movement Strategies for Mobile WSNs 2011-10-05
079 / 2 Synthesizing nested loop algorithms using nonlinear transformation method 2014-06-09
092 / 2 Task Migration in n-dimensional Wormhole-Touted Mesh Multicomputers 2017-04-11
090 / 1 在Ad-Hoc無線網路中設計一具有頻道重複使用特性的動態頻道安排及重安排協定 2011-10-05
096 / 2 A Smart Pre-Warning, Guide, Alarm, Recovery and Detection (GUARD) Network System for the Blind 2016-12-14
098 / 1 The Development and Implementation of a Scaffolding-Based Self- Regulated Learning System for e/m-Learning 2013-10-11
095 / 2 Hierarchical Management Protocol for Constructing a QoS Communication Path in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks 2013-06-07
085 / 1 Design and implementation of a Fortran assistant tool for vector compilers 2013-06-07
103 / 1 Path Construction and Visit Scheduling for Targets by Using Data Mules 2015-11-27
103 / 2 An Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for Maximizing Throughput in WiMAX Mesh Networks 2018-09-26
104 / 1 Throughput-Enhanced Relay Placement Mechanism in WiMAX 802.16j Multihop Relay Networks 2018-09-26
102 / 2 A MAC Protocol by Applying Staggered Channel Model for Cognitive Radio Networks 2015-11-27
103 / 1 TCWTP: Time-Constrained Weighted Targets Patrolling Mechanism in Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks 2018-09-26
095 / 1 Adaptive role switching protocol for improving scatternet performance in Bluetooth radio networks 2015-06-09
106 / 1 A Stepwise Multichannel MAC Protocol for Improving Bandwidth Utilization in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks 2018-08-29
104 / 1 Design and Implementation of an IoT Access Point for Smart Home 2021-03-23
104 / 1 SRA: A Sensing Radius Adaptation Mechanism for Maximizing Network Lifetime in WSNs 2020-05-25
104 / 1 MMS-MVN: A Multimedia Multicast Scheduling method for Multi-hop Vehicular Networks 2017-02-23
105 / 1 Piconet Construction and Restructuring Mechanisms for Interference Avoiding in Bluetooth PANs 2020-05-25
104 / 2 A Comparative Study on Human Activity Recognition Using Inertial Sensors in a Smartphone 2020-07-07
106 / 2 MATR: A Mobility-Aware Topology Restructuring Scheme for Bluetooth Body Area Networks 2018-08-29
105 / 1 An Efficient Wireless Recharging Mechanism for Achieving Perpetual Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks 2017-10-19
107 / 1 Impasse-Aware Node Placement Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks 2018-08-29
105 / 2 Bus-Based Content Offloading for Vehicular Networks 2017-08-21
105 / 1 A location-aware power saving mechanism based on quorum systems for multi-hop mobile ad hoc networks 2018-08-29
106 / 2 Latent feature learning for activity recognition using simple sensors in smart homes 2018-08-29
106 / 1 EAPC : Energy-Aware Path Construction for Data Collection Using Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks 2023-07-01
102 / 2 A placement mechanism for relay stations in 802.16j WiMAX networks 2018-03-02
102 / 2 Staggered Multichannel Traffic Balanced MAC Protocol in Wireless Networks 2024-04-08
102 / 1 Multiantenna Relay Beamforming Design for QoS Discrimination in Two-Way Relay Networks 2024-03-25
102 / 2 Accident aware localization mechanism for wireless sensor networks 2018-03-02
100 / 2 Anchor-Guiding Mechanism for Beacon-Assisted Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks 2018-06-14
100 / 2 BUFE-MAC: A Protocol With Bandwidth Utilization and Fairness Enhancements for Mesh-Backbone-Based VANETs 2018-03-02
101 / 2 An energy-balanced swept-coverage mechanism for mobile WSNs 2018-03-02
102 / 1 Throughput enhancement by exploiting spatial reuse opportunities with smart antenna systems in wireless ad hoc networks 2018-03-02
095 / 2 Ubiquitous e-Learning With Multimodal Multimedia Devices 2018-03-02
100 / 2 Tone-Based Localization for Distinguishing Relative Locations in Wireless Sensor Networks 2024-04-12
100 / 2 Adaptive route-sharing protocol for data collection in Wireless Sensor Networks 2018-06-14
100 / 2 EBDC: An Energy-Balanced Data Collection Mechanism Using a Mobile Data Collector in WSNs 2024-03-11
100 / 2 Enabling Cyber Physical Systems with Wireless Sensor Networking Technologies 2018-03-14
106 / 1 On-Supporting Energy Balanced k-Barrier Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks 2018-11-14
106 / 2 Monitoring Quality Guaranteed Barrier Coverage Mechanism for Traffic Counting in Wireless Sensor Networks 2018-11-14
107 / 1 QoS guaranteed surveillance algorithms for directional wireless sensor networks 2019-09-02
107 / 1 Cooperative Data Collection Mechanism Using Multiple Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks 2024-03-11
107 / 1 Towards Human Activity Recognition: A Hierarchical Feature Selection Framework 2023-07-01
107 / 2 Implicit Irregularity Detection using Unsupervised Learning on Daily Behaviors 2020-05-25
107 / 2 SPA: Smart Parking Algorithm based on Driver Behavior and Parking Traffic Predictions #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-05
107 / 2 Maximizing Surveillance Quality of Boundary Curve in Solar-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks 2019-09-02
108 / 1 Cooperative Data Collection Mechanism Using Multiple Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor 2020-09-14
107 / 2 Maximizing Surveillance Quality of Boundary Curve in Solar-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks 2020-09-14
108 / 1 Towards Human Activity Recognition: A Hierarchical Feature Selection Framework 2020-09-14
108 / 1 A Distributed Barrier Coverage Mechanism for Supporting Full View in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks 2020-07-09
108 / 1 GSMS: A Barrier Coverage Algorithm for Joint Surveillance Quality and Network Lifetime in WSNs 2022-06-08
108 / 1 DBDC: A Distributed Bus-Based Data Collection Mechanism for Maximizing Throughput and Lifetime in WSNs 2020-07-09
108 / 2 Activity Recognition Approach based on Spatial-Temporal constraints for Aged-care in Smart Home #03.良好健康和福祉 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2021-07-04
108 / 1 Implicit Irregularity Detection Using Unsupervised Learning on Daily Behaviors 2021-07-04
108 / 2 BIA: Behavior Identification Algorithm Using Unsupervised Learning Based on Sensor Data for Home Elderly #03.良好健康和福祉 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2021-07-04
108 / 2 Multirate Data Collection Using Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks #03.良好健康和福祉 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-07-06
108 / 2 MMQT: Maximizing the Monitoring Quality for Targets Based on Probabilistic Sensing Model in Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 #11.永續城市與社區 2021-07-04
108 / 2 DEDC: Joint Density-Aware and Energy-Limited Path Construction for Data Collection Using Mobile Sink in WSNs #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-07-27
108 / 2 SIDR: A Swarm Intelligence-Based Damage-Resilient Mechanism for UAV Swarm Networks #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-07-27
108 / 2 Barrier Coverage Mechanism Using Adaptive Sensing Range for Renewable WSNs #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2021-07-04
109 / 2 MCDP: Maximizing Cooperative Detection Probability for Barrier Coverage in Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-07-04
109 / 2 Activities of Daily Living Recognition with Binary Environment Sensors Using Deep Learning: A Comparative Study #03.良好健康和福祉 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-07-04
104 / 1 Design and Implementation of an IoT Access Point for Smart Home 2021-03-23
108 / 2 FIID: Feature-Based Implicit Irregularity Detection Using Unsupervised Learning from IoT Data for Homecare of Elderly #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2021-08-19
110 / 1 A Distributed Multilevel Data Collection Mechanism Using Bus in WSNs #03.良好健康和福祉 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-07-06
110 / 1 CORL2: Exploring Cooperative Opportunities, Reducing Latency and Prolonging Network Lifetime for Data Collection Using Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-07-06
110 / 1 CAERM: Coverage Aware Energy Replenishment Mechanism Using Mobile Charger in Wireless Sensor Networks #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-07-06
110 / 2 Priority-Based Dedicated Slot Allocation With Dynamic Superframe Structure in IEEE 802.15.6-Based Wireless Body Area Networks #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-01
111 / 1 Coverage and Connectivity Aware Energy Charging Mechanism Using Mobile Charger for WRSNs #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-02
110 / 2 Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Multiscale Skip Connection Network #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-01
110 / 2 TCSAR: Target Coverage Mechanism for Sensors With Adjustable Sensing Range in WRSNs #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-01
110 / 2 MSQAC: Maximizing the Surveillance Quality of Area Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-01
110 / 2 JSQE: Joint Surveillance Quality and Energy Conservation for Barrier Coverage in WSNs #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-02
111 / 1 RS-STQ: Recharge Scheduling Algorithm for Maximizing Spatial and Temporal Data Accuracy #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-02
111 / 1 Detection of coronary lesions in Kawasaki disease by Scaled-YOLOv4 with HarDNet backbone #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-03-09
111 / 2 CSCP: Energy Charging Mechanism for Surveillance Quality, Network Connectivity and Perpetual Lifetime in WRSNs #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-03-09
111 / 2 JECP: Joint Energy Conservation and Collision Avoidance for Path Construction in Bluetooth Networks #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-08-06
111 / 2 WLARS: Work Load Aware Recharge Scheduling Mechanism for Improving Surveillance Quality in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-08-06
112 / 1 RLR: Joint Reinforcement Learning and Attraction Reward for Mobile Charger in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-07-06
111 / 2 JCF: Joint Coarse-and Fine-Grained Similarity Comparison for Plagiarism Detection Based on NLP #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-07-10
112 / 1 A Recharging Mechanism for Improving Data Quality and Maintaining Sustainable Lifetime in WRSNs #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-03-09
112 / 1 SV2-SQL: A Text-to-SQL Transformation Mechanism Based on BERT Models for Slot Filling, Value Extraction and Verification #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-03-09
112 / 1 A Recharging Mechanism for Improving Data Quality and Maintaining Sustainable Lifetime in WRSNs #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-09-30
112 / 1 SV2-SQL: A Text-to-SQL Transformation Mechanism Based on BERT Models for Slot Filling, Value Extraction and Verification #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-09-30
112 / 2 TEPM: Traveler Enrollment Prediction Mechanism using BERT-based Feature Clustering and LSTM Models #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-09-30
112 / 2 ICRM: An Intelligent Citation Recommendation Mechanism Based on BERT and Weighted BoW Models #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-09-30
112 / 1 Fusion of kinematic and physiological sensors for hand gesture recognition #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-09-30
112 / 2 Design and implementation of a real?time face recognition system based on artificial intelligence techniques #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-09-30
112 / 2 MC^3: A Muli-Charger Cooperative Charging Mechanism for Maximizing Surveillance Quality in RWSNs #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-09-30
113 / 1 Dynamic Probabilistic Sensing for Enhanced Target Coverage in WRSNs #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2024-09-30