
教師資料查詢 | 教師:李孟修

# 學年期 類別 標題
121 105-2 期刊學報編審 人力資源管理學報(TSSCI)
122 109-2 期刊學報編審 Journal of Man's Health (SSCI)
123 106-1 期刊學報編審 International Journal of Manpower (SSCI)
124 103-1 期刊學報編審 International Journal of Human Resource Management (SSCI)
125 100-2 會議論文 Managers' Career Management and Career Advanced in China—The Moderating Effect of Mentoring
126 101-2 會議論文 MNC's Greening Human Capital Management in China—integrative perspective of Resource-Based and Institutional Theory
127 103-1 會議論文 MNC’s Green Entrepreneurial Leadership and Greening Human Capital Management in China
128 102-2 會議論文 A Study of Taiwanese Consumers' Perception of Online Trustmark.
129 104-1 會議論文 The Multilevel and Multi-source Analysis of Sustainable Human Resource Management, Goal Orientation and Career Advancement.
130 105-1 會議論文 Work-family conflict on emotional exhaustion and performance.
131 106-1 會議論文 Formation of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Integrative Dynamic Capability Theory and RBV Advancement.
132 109-2 會議論文 A shift in oriental family business succession mindset: an exploratory approach.
133 103-1 期刊論文 Moderating effect of institutional responsiveness on the relationship between green leadership and green competitiveness
134 103-1 期刊論文 Career Management and Career Advancement in China—the Moderating and Mediating Effect of Mentoring
135 103-2 期刊論文 Unlocking the black box: exploring the link between perceive organizational support and resistance to change
136 103-2 期刊論文 Managers' career development recognition in Taiwanese companies
137 106-2 期刊論文 Multilevel moderation analysis of change perception on change commitment
138 108-1 期刊論文 Service innovation and mental health: The multilevel moderating role of group emotional contagion
139 108-1 期刊論文 The effect of work–family conflict on emotional exhaustion and job performance among service workers: the cross–level moderating effects of organizational reward and caring.
140 107-2 期刊論文 Interaction between the knowledge sharing on innovation behavior based on the viewpoint of team diversity: empirical research from China
141 102-1 專書 MNCs' Greening Human Capital Management in China- Integrative perspective of Resource-Based and Institutional Theory
142 109-2 期刊論文 Multilevel Linking Service Innovation, Service Sweethearting, and Brand Association: The Moderating Role of Sustainable Human Resource Management
143 110-1 教學研習 MS Teams操作與iClass 學習平台導入工作坊(2021-09-15 09:00:00 ~ 12:00:00)
144 110-1 教學研習 110學年度新聘教師教學工作坊(2021-09-13 09:00:00 ~ 16:00:00)
145 110-1 外語授課紀錄 經管全英碩一:人力資源管理 TLGBM1M0003 0A
146 110-1 教學計畫表 管科系二:組織行為 TLGXB2B0260 0P
147 110-1 教學計畫表 管科系三:服務業管理 TLGXB3M0121 0P
148 110-1 教學計畫表 經管全英碩一:人力資源管理 TLGBM1M0003 0A