
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
103 / 2 Green Performance Assessment with Application to Retail Industry in Taiwan 2016-10-03
102 / 2 Application of TOPSIS on Shift Arrangement of a Contingency Response Unit 2016-10-03
102 / 2 Fuzzy Portfolio Model with Application to Business Cycles Analysis 2016-10-03
102 / 2 Green Performance Assessment for Retail Industry in Taiwan 2016-10-03
103 / 2 Smartphone Market Analysis Using Dynamic SMART Method 2016-10-03
103 / 2 Grey Support Vector Autoregression Model with Application to iPhone Demand Forecasting 2016-10-03
104 / 2 Reused Smartphones Pricing Analysis ─ A Duopoly Model Analysis with respect to Apple and Samsung Smartphones 2016-10-03
104 / 2 Analysis the Brand Performance in Smartphone Market using Hybrid Multicriteria Decision Methods 2016-10-03
104 / 2 Word of Mouth, System Service, Green Conscious, Brand Impression and User Purchasing Analysis for Reused iPhone Market 2016-10-03
104 / 2 Analysis of Administrative effects of Chinese Arrivals in Taiwan 2016-10-03
104 / 2 A Hybrid ELECTRE III Method Kano Model for Optimizing Smartphone Selection 2016-10-03
104 / 2 Brand Performance Analysis in Smartphone Market using MCDM 2016-10-03
105 / 1 巨量資料探討及分析-以台灣 50ETF為例 2019-04-29
105 / 1 跨境旅遊分工鏈的價量與策略探討-以中國大陸赴臺團體旅遊市場為例 2019-04-29
105 / 1 臉書使用者人格特質、網路素養與行為之結構分析 2019-04-29
105 / 1 以計費模式及安全性探討企業接受雲端運算服務意願之研究 2019-04-29
105 / 2 Administrative Effects of Chinese Arrivals in Taiwan - the Travel Agencies’ Prospects 2019-04-29
105 / 2 Exploring Green Awareness, Electricity Price Trend and Consumer Attitude of Building Attached Photovoltaic Equipment using Technology Acceptance Model 2019-05-06
105 / 2 Exploring Green Awareness, Exploring the Market of Building Attached Photovoltaic Equipment using Technology Acceptance Model 2019-04-29
105 / 2 Brand performance analysis in smartphone market using hybrid multi criteria methods 2019-04-29
106 / 1 以擴散模型預測智慧型手機需求-以iPhone為例 2019-04-29
106 / 2 How to increase Honduran Coffee Awareness in Taiwan to fit Taiwan’s New Coffee Culture 2019-04-29