
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
090 / 1 Using a mouse as the login device for a visual cryptography oriented password authentication scheme 2010-06-16
089 / 2 Lossy compression tolerant steganography 2012-02-20
091 / 2 An enhanced authentication key exchange protocol 2010-06-16
091 / 2 Enhanced authentication key agreement protocol 2010-06-16
091 / 2 A method for sending confidential messages to a group without trusted parties 2010-06-16
093 / 2 An Efficient Decryption Method for RSA Cryptosystem 2014-10-18
094 / 2 Improved key management scheme for IEEE 802.11 2010-06-16
091 / 2 Key agreement in ad hoc networks 2010-06-16
093 / 2 Key Agreement Protocol Based on Weil Pairing 2014-08-21
091 / 1 The improvement of steganography capacity 2010-06-16
091 / 1 Watermark in color image 2014-07-30
084 / 1 反應型硝酸只在阻燃與防蝕上之研究 2015-10-21
085 / 1 含磷壓克力單體與紫外光硬化型樹脂的應用 2015-10-21
086 / 1 含磷反應性單體與光硬化型PU樹脂之紫外光架橋反應及熱性質研究 2015-10-21
093 / 2 Password authenticated key agreement protocol for multi-servers architecture 2015-08-05
080 / 1 A cryptographic key management scheme for access control in a tree structure 2011-10-24
092 / 1 Asia-Crypto 2011-10-24
092 / 1 Cryptanalysis of publicly verifiable authenticated encryption 2011-10-24
090 / 2 Digital watermarking based on pixels relationships 2011-10-24
096 / 2 A Cell-Based Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks 2011-10-24
096 / 1 Secure Authentication Scheme for RFID 2011-10-24
100 / 1 The study of a data compression scheme for English-Chinese dictionaries 2011-10-24
100 / 1 Using smart card to authenticate passwords 2011-10-24
096 / 1 A Secure Data Dissemination for Wireless Sensor Networks 2011-10-24
079 / 1 A strategy to transform public key cryptosystems to ID-based public key cryptosystems 2011-10-24
101 / 1 A secure remote user authentication scheme 2014-08-22
092 / 1 Implementing the RSA Algorithm on the TI TMS320C55x Family 2014-06-06
097 / 1 Efficient Squaring Algorithm for Embedded RISC Processors 2014-06-06
097 / 1 An Energy-Efficient En-Route Filtering False Data Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks 2014-06-06
097 / 1 Analysis and Improvement of Fair Certified E-Mail Delivery Protocol 2014-06-06
096 / 2 A Cell-Based Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks 2014-06-06
103 / 2 The Hiding Method of Graph Structure in Cloud 2016-05-02
105 / 2 Secure Data Collection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks 2018-01-08
107 / 2 安全的無人管理電腦租借系統 #11.永續城市與社區 #12.負責任的消費與生產 2019-05-31
109 / 1 利用類神經網路評估華人通行碼強度 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 #11.永續城市與社區 2020-11-02
110 / 1 區塊鏈技術在物聯網和雲端儲存系統資料安全之研究 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 #11.永續城市與社區 2021-12-22
111 / 1 以區塊鏈技術建置星際檔案系統安全機制 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 #11.永續城市與社區 2023-03-09
111 / 1 心智圖法融入演算法大班教學以提升學習成效之研究 2023-08-07