
學年 97
學期 1
發表日期 2008-11-13
作品名稱 An Energy-Efficient En-Route Filtering False Data Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks
著者 Hwang, Ren-Junn; Liu, Yu-Hang; Wang, Chueh
作品所屬單位 淡江大學資訊工程學系
會議名稱 The 2008 International Computer Symposium(ICS 2008)
會議地點 臺北縣, 臺灣
摘要 Compromised nodes could launch several attacks in wireless sensor network. The easiest way is to fabricate a report that doesn’t happen actually or to send incorrect data. Such attack will result in not only false alarm but also the energy consumption of intermediate nodes to forward this report. There are many schemes proposed to solve this problem. They use the idea that a legitimate report must consist of several endorsements given by multiple surrounding nodes that also sense the same event. However, the compromised node also can give false endorsement on real event causing the real report to be considered a false data and be filtered out. We proposed a filtering scheme to counter some related attacks, analyzed filtering effectiveness, resiliency, storage and energy saving, and held simulation to show it is more efficient than the other solutions.
關鍵字 Wireless sensor network;En-route filter;Security;False data injection
語言 en
會議性質 國際
校內研討會地點 淡水校園
研討會時間 20081113~20081113
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 Proceedings of the 2008 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2008),6頁

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/95793 )
