
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
096 / 1 Do Lotto Bettors Gamble more or less with greater Background Risk? 2015-09-07
096 / 1 Do Lotto Bettors Gamble more or less with greater Background Risk? 2014-08-19
093 / 2 公司資產成長與公司規模之實證研究:以台灣壽險公司為例 2011-10-23
100 / 1 The Different Determinants of Cash Holdings across Property-Liability n Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan and South Korea 2015-03-12
102 / 2 The Analysis on the Relationship between Private Health Insurance and Inpatient Service Utilization under Latent Risk Class Framework 2015-03-12
098 / 1 台灣壽險業商業型醫療費用保險之風險評估 2015-03-12
098 / 2 The momentum effect on estimating the cost of equity capital for property-liability insurers 2015-03-12
099 / 1 How will households adjust their consumption and investment decisions under longevity risk 2015-03-12
099 / 1 Estimating Regret Parameters of Regret-Form Utility Function 2015-03-12
100 / 1 How the Households Adjust their Consumption and Investment Plans under Longevity Risk 2015-03-12
100 / 1 The Different Determinants of Cash Holdings across Property-Liability Insurers in Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan and South Korea 2015-03-12
100 / 2 Obesity and Asthma Outpatient Expenditure by Middle Aged and Elderly in Taiwan 2015-03-12
101 / 1 The Different Determinants of Cash Holdings across Property-Liability Insurers in Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan and South Korea 2015-03-12
101 / 2 How households make their consumption and investment plans with longevity risk based on an experimental framework 2015-03-12
102 / 1 總體經濟變數對死亡率估計之影響 2015-03-12
103 / 1 總體經濟變數對死亡率估計之影響 2015-03-12
103 / 1 The Size Effect on Growth Determinants for US Property-Liability Insurers: a Quantile Regression Approach 2015-03-12
097 / 1 Do Lotto Bettors Gamble More in the Bull Market? 2015-03-12
099 / 1 The Momentum Effect on Estimating the Cost of Equity Capital for Property-Liability Insurers 2015-03-12
102 / 1 總體經濟變數對死亡率估計之影響 2015-03-12
103 / 2 總體經濟變數對死亡率估計之影響 2015-06-17
103 / 2 兩岸產險公司使用再保險行為之比較 2015-06-17
103 / 2 總體經濟變數對於死亡率估計之影響 2015-06-17
104 / 1 The relationship among reinsurance, capital structure and catastrophes: the dym=namic approach evidece on property-liability insurers in Asian countries 2015-10-25
104 / 2 The Impacts of Persistent Behaviors and Cost-sharing Policy on Demand for Outpatient Visits for Elderly: Evidence from Taiwan National Health Insurance 2016-10-17
105 / 1 Risk Preference Heterogeneity and Private Health Insurance Demand under National Health Insurance Program in Taiwan: Reexamination by Latent Class Analysis 2017-02-22
105 / 2 台灣養護型長期照護機構分配之探討 2017-05-02
105 / 2 Risk Preference Heterogeneity and Private Health Insurance Demand under Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Program: Reexamination by Latent Class Analysis 2017-05-02
106 / 1 Who Accesses Higher Tiers of Medical Care Facilities: New evidence from Classification and Regression Trees Model 2019-09-20
107 / 1 Who accesses higher-tier medical facilities? 2019-09-20
108 / 1 Relationship between private long-term care insurance and the public long-term care system: evidence from Taiwan’s Long-term Care 2.0 2019-12-23
107 / 2 The Relationship between Private Long-term Care Insurance Premiums, Population Structure and Public Policies 2020-02-14
107 / 2 The Relationship between Private Long-term Care Insurance Premiums, Population Structure and Public Policies 2020-02-14
108 / 1 Risk Preference Heterogeneity and Private Health Insurance Demand under National Health Insurance Program in Taiwan: Risk Classification by Latent Class Analysis 2020-07-27
109 / 2 Who Purchase Private Health Insurance under Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Program: Empirical Study from Latent Class Analysis 2021-12-30
109 / 1 The determinants of institutional-based and home-based long-term care service utilizations: A panel data analysis of OECD countries 2021-12-30
111 / 2 Effects of Demographic Factors and Health Insurance on COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance 2023-09-13
112 / 1 The perception of long-term care policy and political party's attitude on the demand for private long-term care insurance: the empirical evidence from the United States 2024-01-02
112 / 2 The perception of long-term care probability and political party's attitude on the demand for private long-term care insurance: the empirical evidence from the United States 2024-09-16