
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
093 / 2 Design of Spacecraft Formation Orbits Relative to a Stabilized Trajectory 2017-01-04
094 / 2 Fundamental limits on spacecraft orbit uncertainty and distribution propagation 2017-01-12
099 / 1 福衛七號初始姿態獲取分析 2012-04-25
101 / 2 Trajectory of spacecraft with photonic laser propulsion in the two-body problem 2013-10-29
101 / 1 Autopilots for Ultra Lightweight Robotic Birds: Automatic Altitude Control and System Integration of a Sub-10 g Weight Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle 2024-04-12
098 / 1 Identification of Dynamical Parameters for an Unmanned Helicopter in Hover 2014-01-10
099 / 2 A quantum search algorithm for future spacecraft attitude determination 2014-12-17
094 / 1 Bifurcations and dynamical evolution of eigenvalues of Hamiltonian systems 2014-06-24
099 / 1 Control of Spacecraft Formation about a Near-Circular Orbit 2013-10-31
098 / 1 Weight Reduction of Flapping Micro Aerial Vehicles by Electrical Discharge Wire Machining 2014-07-01
104 / 2 Real-time Target Determination and Tracking with An Airborne Video System 2024-04-12
108 / 2 Proportional-Integral Sliding Mode Control with an Application in the Balance Control of a Two-Wheel Vehicle System #04.優質教育 2020-07-27
109 / 1 Autonomous Indoor Passageway Finding Using 3D Scene Reconstruction with Stereo Vision #04.優質教育 2020-12-16
109 / 2 Coarse Sun Acquisition for Micro Satellites Using only Sun Sensors #04.優質教育 2022-07-26
109 / 2 Analysis and Management of Motor Failures of Hexacopter in Hover #04.優質教育 2024-03-15
109 / 2 General Solution to the Spectator-First Tantalizer Problem #04.優質教育 2022-12-21
110 / 1 Variation of Osculating Orbit Elements Using Low-Thrust Photonic Laser Propulsion in the Two-Body Problem #04.優質教育 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-27
109 / 2 General solution to the spectator-first Tantalizer problem 2024-08-07