
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
095 / 2 Gauge independence and chiral symmetry breaking in a strong magnetic field 2018-06-14
094 / 2 Gauge independent approach to chiral symmetry breaking in a strong magnetic field 2018-06-14
098 / 1 Is there a maximum magnetic field in QED? 2020-07-23
090 / 1 Direct photons: A nonequilibrium signal of the expanding quark-gluon plasma 2018-04-09
087 / 2 Fermion damping in a fermion-scalar plasma 2013-07-09
089 / 1 Enhanced photon production from quark-gluon plasma : Finite-lifetime effect 2013-07-09
099 / 2 Collapse of vacuum bubbles in a vacuum 2020-07-23
088 / 2 Dynamical renormalization group approach to quantum kinetics in scalar and gauge theories 2013-07-09
090 / 1 Dynamical renormalization group approach to the altarelli-parisi-lipatov equations 2013-07-09
091 / 2 Dynamical renormalization group approach to transport in ultrarelativistic plasmas : The electrical conductivity in high temperature QED 2013-07-09
096 / 1 Dynamical electron mass in a strong magnetic field 2015-04-13
088 / 2 Damping rates and mean free paths of soft fermion collective excitations in a hot fermion-gauge-scalar theory 2013-07-09
096 / 1 Comment on "Modified Coulomb Law in a Strongly Magnetized Vacuum" 2018-04-09
107 / 2 Graphene-based detectors for directional dark matter detection #04.優質教育 2020-07-23
106 / 1 Single-shot work extraction in quantum thermodynamics revisited 2020-07-23
107 / 2 Informational work storage in quantum thermodynamics #04.優質教育 2020-07-23
093 / 1 Gauge dependence of the fermion quasiparticle poles in hot gauge theories 2018-06-14
110 / 1 Fluctuations in extractable work and bounds on the charging power of quantum batteries #04.優質教育 2023-06-29
093 / 1 Nonequilibrium Pion Dynamics near the Critical Point in a Constituent Quark Model 2022-03-01
091 / 1 Nonequilibrium Relaxation in Neutral BCS Superconductors: Ginzburg-Landau Approach with Landau Damping in Real Time 2022-03-01
091 / 1 Nonequilibrium Relaxation of Bose-Einstein Condensates: Real-Time Equations of Motion and Ward Identities 2022-03-01
089 / 1 Real-Time Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Hot QED Plasmas: Dynamical Renormalization Group Approach 2022-03-01