
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
31 112-1 企管系 楊志德 教授 Integrated multistage supply chain inventory model of multiple retailers with imperfect production and inspection systems
32 112-1 企管系 張雍昇 副教授 Residents' waste mobile recycling planned behavior model: the role of environmental concern and risk perception
33 112-1 化學系 謝仁傑 教授 Nickel-Catalyzed Denitrogenative Cyclization of 1,2,3,4- Benzothiatriazin-1,1(2H)‑dioxides with Arynes To Synthesize Biaryl Sultams
34 112-1 建築系 姚忠達 教授 Shifted Resonance of Railway Bridges Under Trains Passing by Each Other
35 112-1 會計系 方郁惠 教授 Go Green, Go Social: Exploring the Antecedents of Pro-environmental Behaviors in Social Networking Sites Beyond Norm Activation Theory
36 112-1 日文系 曾秋桂 教授 ウィズ(with)コロナ時代のAI技術支援による村上春樹文学研究―『騎士団長殺し』を中心に
37 112-1 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): Gaming Disorder Leading Untreated Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
38 112-1 航太系 王怡仁 教授 Analysis of double inverted flag energy harvesting system in pipe flow
48 112-1 建築系 鄭晃二 教授 做工的場所--工地認知心理與健康促進
39 112-1 統計系 吳淑妃 教授 A study on the experimental design for the lifetime performance index of Rayleigh lifetime distribution under progressive type I interval censoring
40 112-1 物理系 潘璽安 助理教授 The Gas–Star Formation Cycle in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies II. Resolved Distributions of CO and Hα Emission for 49 PHANGS Galaxies
41 112-1 化材系 何啟東 教授 Enhancing absorption performance of CO2 by amine solution through the spiral wired channel in concentric circular membrane contactors
42 112-1 教設系 張鈿富 教授 Exploring International Faculty’s Perspectives on Their Campus Life by PLS-SEM
43 112-1 資管系 鄭啟斌 教授 CyberAid: are your children safe from cyberbullying?
44 112-1 物理系 潘璽安 助理教授 The PHANGS-HST Survey: Physics at High Angular Resolution in Nearby Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope
45 112-1 學動組 楊總成 教授 Constructing a Team Performance Evaluation Model of FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup
46 112-1 化學系 陳志欣 教授 Liquid crystal-based chemical sensors and biosensors: From sensing mechanisms to the variety of analytical targets
47 112-1 數學系 郭忠勝 教授 Forced waves of a three species predator-prey system in a shifting environment
49 112-1 化材系 何啟東 教授 Two-Dimensional Conjugated Mass Transfer of Carbon Dioxide Absorption in a Hollow-Fiber Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor
50 112-1 統計系 高君豪 助理教授 A Deep Generative Model for Reordering Adjacency Matrices
51 112-1 物理系 潘璽安 助理教授 Linking stellar populations to H II regions across nearby galaxies. I. Constraining pre-supernova feedback from young clusters in NGC 1672
52 112-1 化材系 許世杰 教授 The effect of dual-doping on the electrochemical performance of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 and its application in full‐cell lithium‐ion batteries
53 112-1 智慧照護所 吳承恩 助理教授 A Discriminant Analysis of Personality Traits and Cluster Types of Physical Education Teachers
54 112-1 水環系 簡義杰 助理教授 Water reclamation and microbial community investigation: Treatment of tetramethylammonium hydroxide wastewater through an anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactor hybrid system
55 112-1 化學系 陳曜鴻 教授 Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is an economical and efficient animal model for screening potential anti-cataract compounds
56 112-1 物理系 董崇禮 教授 Surface engineering of poly(methyl methacrylate)-reduced graphene oxide composite films by Au7+ ion irradiation for biomedical application
57 112-1 物理系 董崇禮 教授 Concave Pt-Zn nanocubes with high-index faceted Pt skin as highly efficient oxygen reduction catalyst
58 112-1 日文系 曾秋桂 教授 持続可能なる文学の原動力―エコフェミニズム、AI、村上春樹を切口に―(以生態女性主義、人工智慧、村上春樹為切入點,探索永續發展文學之原動力)
59 112-1 管科系 廖述賢 教授 Data mining analytics investigate Facebook Live stream users’ behaviors and business models: The evidence from Thailand
60 112-1 航太系 牛仰堯 教授 Bulge formation of liquid film at the trailing edge: Scaling laws and particle removal assessment