
教師資料查詢 | 教師:潘璽安

# 學年期 類別 標題
151 110-2 期刊論文 The PHANGS-MUSE survey. Probing the chemo-dynamical evolution of disc galaxies
152 110-2 期刊論文 A 2-3 mm high-resolution molecular line survey towards the centre of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946
153 110-2 期刊論文 A tale of two DIGs: The relative role of H II regions and low-mass hot evolved stars in powering the diffuse ionised gas (DIG) in PHANGS-MUSE galaxies
154 110-2 期刊論文 PHANGS-MUSE: The H II region luminosity function of local star-forming galaxies
155 110-2 教學研習 111年度電子郵件社交工程防治宣導講習(2022-05-19 09:00:00 ~ 10:00:00)
156 110-2 教學研習 2022淡江大學研發高峰會(2022 TKU Research Summit)(2022-05-17 12:10:00 ~ 13:00:00)
157 110-2 教學研習 iClass 學習平台「學期成績管理」(第一梯)(2022-05-24 09:10:00 ~ 10:00:00)
158 110-2 教學研習 遠端辦公課程(三):共享空間應用與檔案共編-SharePoint、OneDrive、Teams(課程代號:O365-105)(2022-04-27 14:00:00 ~ 16:00:00)
159 111-1 外語授課紀錄 物理一碩士班:書報討論(一) TSPXM1T0095 1A
160 110-2 教學研習 遠端辦公課程(二):One Day in Office(課程代號:O365-103)(2022-04-15 08:00:00 ~ 2022-04-30 17:00:00)
161 110-2 教學研習 遠端辦公課程(一):「MS Teams操作及應用」及「淡江軟體雲」(課程代號:O365-102)(2022-04-20 13:15:00 ~ 15:00:00)
162 112-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 同中存異還是異中求同:量化不同樣態星系中恆星形成之差異性(3/3)
163 110-2 教學研習 全雲端智慧校園—舞動教學(Smart PASS)推動會(場次一)(2022-03-10 12:10:00 ~ 13:00:00)
164 110-2 教學研習 程式思維在教學上之實施 ~兼談疫情期間之教學執行~(2022-03-04 12:00:00 ~ 13:00:00)
165 110-2 期刊論文 The Gas–Star Formation Cycle in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies II. Resolved Distributions of CO and Hα Emission for 49 PHANGS Galaxies
166 109-2 期刊論文 The ALMaQUEST Survey - V. The non-universality of kpc-scale star formation relations and the factors that drive them
167 109-2 期刊論文 The ALMaQUEST survey - VI. The molecular gas main sequence of 'retired' regions in galaxies
168 109-2 期刊論文 Applying the Tremaine-Weinberg Method to Nearby Galaxies: Stellar-mass-based Pattern Speeds and Comparisons with ISM Kinematics
169 109-2 期刊論文 Star formation scaling relations at ∼100 pc from PHANGS: Impact of completeness and spatial scale
170 109-2 期刊論文 The Organization of Cloud-scale Gas Density Structure: High-resolution CO versus 3.6 μm Brightness Contrasts in Nearby Galaxies
171 109-2 期刊論文 PHANGS-ALMA Data Processing and Pipeline
172 110-1 期刊論文 Frequency and nature of central molecular outflows in nearby star-forming disk galaxies
173 110-1 期刊論文 Stellar structures, molecular gas, and star formation across the PHANGS sample of nearby galaxies
174 110-1 期刊論文 An IFU View of the Active Galactic Nuclei in MaNGA Galaxy Pairs
175 110-1 期刊論文 PHANGS–ALMA: Arcsecond CO(2–1) Imaging of Nearby Star-forming Galaxies
176 110-1 期刊論文 SDSS-IV MaNGA: the physical origin of off-galaxy H α blobs in the local Universe
177 110-1 期刊論文 The PHANGS-HST Survey: Physics at High Angular Resolution in Nearby Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope
178 110-2 期刊論文 The ALMaQUEST Survey. VII. Star Formation Scaling Relations of Green Valley Galaxies
179 110-1 期刊論文 The 2D metallicity distribution and mixing scales of nearby galaxies
180 110-2 期刊論文 The ALMaQUEST survey IX: the nature of the resolved star forming main sequence