
教師資料查詢 | 教師:吳孟倫

# 學年期 類別 標題
151 107-1 會議論文 A Machine Learning Based Prediction System of Medical Laws Judgment Using Statute-Classified Decision Tree with Text Similarity
152 108-1 會議論文 A Novel Cloud Detection and Satellite Attitude Planning Method for Capturing Cloudless Remote Sensing Images
153 107-2 會議論文 A novel cloud detection and satellite attitude planning method for captuing cloudless remote sensing images
154 108-1 會議論文 A Real-Time Cloud Detection System Using an End-to-End Multiscale Deep Learning Approach
155 108-1 會議論文 A Cross-Dataset Evaluation of Anti-Face-Spoofing Methods Using Random Forest and Convolutional Neural Network
156 109-1 會議論文 A novel Chinese reading comprehension model based on attention mechanism and convolutional neural networks
157 104-1 專利 Automatic photographing method and system thereof
158 104-1 專利 一種影片濃縮之系統及方法
159 104-2 專利 自動尋景拍攝方法及其系統
160 106-1 專書 On the Design of a Photo Beauty Measurement Mechanism Based on Image Composition and Machine Learning
161 109-1 會議論文 An intelligent photographing guiding system based on compositional deep features and intepretable machine learning model
162 105-1 期刊論文 Exploiting AdaRank Model and Trajectory of Hand Motion for Hand Gesture Recognition
163 106-1 經歷 國立臺灣科技大學 資訊工程系 博士後研究員
168 109-2 教學計畫表 資工一全英碩:無線區域網路 TEIBM1E2788 0A
169 109-2 教學計畫表 資工進學班一:機率統計 TEIXE1E3764 0A
170 109-2 教學計畫表 資訊教育學門:iOS 應用程式開發 TNUOB0E3750 0B
164 105-2 期刊論文 Image-format-independent Tampered Image Detection Based on Overlapping Concurrent Directional Patterns and Neural Networks
165 107-2 期刊論文 Real-Time Musical Conducting Gesture Recognition Based on a Dynamic Time Warping Classifier Using a Single-Depth Camera
166 107-2 期刊論文 Abnormal Maritime Activity Detection in Satellite Image Sequences Using Trajectory Features
167 109-2 外語授課紀錄 資工一全英碩:無線區域網路 TEIBM1E2788 0A
171 109-2 教學計畫表 資工三:編譯程式 TEIXB3E0790 0B