
教師資料查詢 | 教師:孔方明

# 學年期 類別 標題
121 109-1 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
122 108-2 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
123 108-1 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
124 107-2 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
125 107-1 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
126 106-2 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
127 106-1 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
128 105-2 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
129 105-1 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
130 104-2 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. SinoELE. Revista SinoELE
131 108-1 期刊學報編審 Co-director of Series of books: Estudios Hispánicos en Taiwán
132 106-1 期刊學報編審 Co-director of Series of books: Estudios Hispánicos en Taiwán
133 109-1 期刊學報編審 Co-director of Series of books: Estudios Hispánicos en Taiwán
134 108-2 期刊學報編審 Co-director of Series of books: Estudios Hispánicos en Taiwán
135 109-1 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. Journal of Literature and Librarianship
136 108-2 期刊學報編審 Member of the Editorial Committee. Journal of Literature and Librarianship
137 109-1 參與學術服務 Remaking and translating into Spanish. Spanish Department website
138 109-1 會議論文 La programación de la clase de cine hispano con estudiantes de E/LE en el contexto taiwanés
139 109-1 教學研習 創作課程的設計與執行(2020-11-09 12:00:00 ~ 13:00:00)
140 108-2 參與學術服務 Reviewing and rewriting “Certificado docente”
141 108-2 參與學術服務 Negotiations, communications and supervision of Exchange Programs
142 108-1 參與學術服務 Negotiations, communications and supervision of Exchange Programs
143 109-1 參與學術服務 Negotiations, communications and supervision of Exchange Programs
144 109-1 教學計畫表 西語三:進階西班牙文語法 TFSXB3F0739 1C
145 109-1 教學計畫表 西語四:西班牙語會話(四) TFSXB4A0362 1F
146 109-1 教學計畫表 西語四:西班牙語會話(四) TFSXB4A0362 1D
147 109-1 教學計畫表 西語三:商務西文 TFSXB3F1504 1P
148 109-1 教學計畫表 西語三:西班牙語會話(三) TFSXB3A0361 1B
149 108-2 專書單篇 La superstición y el caso de Taiwán
150 108-2 專書單篇 Presentación: Estudios Hispánicos en Taiwán. Vol 2