
教師資料查詢 | 教師:郭忠勝

# 學年期 類別 標題
61 108-1 研究獎勵 Stability and uniqueness of traveling waves for a discrete bistable 3-species competition system
62 108-1 研究獎勵 Entire solutions originating from monotone fronts to the Allen–Cahn equation
63 108-1 研究獎勵 Behaviors of Solutions for a Singular Prey–Predator Model and its Shadow System
64 108-2 教學研習 面對COVID-19之即時線上教學方案說明會暨工作坊(第4場)-理學院、國際學院(2020-02-21 10:30:00 ~ 12:00:00)
65 108-1 期刊論文 The spreading speed and the minimal wave speed of a predator-prey system with nonlocal dispersal
66 107-2 期刊論文 Entire solutions originating from traveling fronts for a two-species competition-diffusion system
67 108-2 教學計畫表 數學系數學三:幾何學 TSMAB3S0284 2A
68 108-1 教學計畫表 數學系數學三:幾何學 TSMAB3S0284 1A
69 108-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 博士後研究-陳俞碩
70 110-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 生物數學中之生態系統及流行病學模型研究(3/3)
71 109-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 生物數學中之生態系統及流行病學模型研究(2/3)
72 108-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 生物數學中之生態系統及流行病學模型研究(1/3)
73 107-2 教學研習 數學系大師演講活動-運算思維與人工智慧(2019-05-23 13:00:00 ~ 14:30:00)
74 107-1 出席學術性會議 9th International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM 2019)
75 107-1 出席學術性會議 RIMS Workshop: Qualitative Theory on ODEs and its Applications to Mathematical Modeling
76 107-1 出席學術性會議 ReaDiNet 2018: Recent Progresses in Mathematical Theories for Biological Phenomena
77 106-2 出席學術性會議 International Conference of the Honam-Youngnam Mathematical Societies
78 106-2 出席學術性會議 2018 NCTS Workshop on Mathematical Biology
79 106-1 出席學術性會議 ReaDiNet 2017: International Conference on Mathematical Biology
80 106-2 論文指導 數學六博士班 姚志鴻
81 107-1 會議論文 Can two weak competitors wipe out a strong competitor in a 3-species competition system?
82 107-1 會議論文 On a predator-prey system with nonlocal dispersal
83 107-1 會議論文 The spreading speed of a predator-prey system with nonlocal dispersal
84 106-2 會議論文 Some recent developments on a singular predator-prey model
85 106-1 會議論文 Spatio-temporal oscillation for a singular predator-prey model
86 105-2 會議論文 The sign of traveling wave speed in bistable dynamics
87 107-2 期刊論文 Stability and uniqueness of traveling waves for a discrete bistable 3-species competition system
88 107-1 期刊論文 Excluding blowup at zero points of the potential by means of Liouville-type theorems
89 107-1 研究獎勵 Spatio-temporal oscillation for a singular predator-prey model
90 107-1 研究獎勵 Quenching rate for a nonlocal problem arising in the micro-electro mechanical system