
教師資料查詢 | 教師:蔡志群

# 學年期 類別 標題
451 100-1 參與國際學術活動 International Conference on Advances in Probability and Statistics - Theory and Applications, Hong Kong, December 28- 31.
452 101-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 加速破壞衰變試驗之最佳化設計
453 100-1 研究報告 Gamma隨機效應衰變過程之最佳設計
454 100-1 期刊論文 Is Liver Cirrhosis a Risk Factor for Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head in Adults? A Population-Based 3-Year Follow-Up Study
455 100-2 期刊學報編審 Reviewer for Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods
456 100-2 期刊學報編審 Reviewer for Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
457 100-2 論文指導 數學二碩士班 林琮庭
458 100-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) Gamma隨機效應衰變過程之最佳設計
459 100-1 期刊學報編審 Reviewer for Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
460 100-1 期刊學報編審 Reviewer for Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
461 100-1 期刊學報編審 Reviewer for Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association
462 100-1 期刊論文 Mis-specification analyses of gamma and Wiener degradation processes
463 99-2 專書單篇 Optimal Sample Size Allocation for Accelerated Degradation Test Based on Wiener Process
464 99-2 期刊論文 Optimal burn-in policy for highly reliable products using gamma degradation process
465 97-2 學位論文 Design and Analysis of Gamma Degradation Process
466 100-1 教學計畫表 數學系資統三:數理統計 TSMCB3S0582 1A
467 100-1 教學計畫表 水環環境一:微積分 TEWBB1S0325 0A
468 100-1 教學計畫表 統計一:微積分 TMSXB1S0325 1B