
教師資料查詢 | 教師:鄭東文

# 學年期 類別 標題
271 96-1 會議論文 溶質與薄膜性質對平板掃流超過濾之影響
272 96-1 會議論文 攪拌透析過濾玻尿酸溶液濾速行為之研究
273 96-1 會議論文 逆洗與通氣對管式薄膜過濾蛋白質溶液濾速增進之探討
274 100-1 研究獎勵 Influence of feed composition on distillate flux and membrane fouling in direct contact membrane distillation
275 101-1 論文指導 化材一碩士班 林智偉
276 101-1 論文指導 化材一碩士班 歐陽興
277 101-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 應用集光型太陽熱電驅動史特靈引擎之薄膜蒸餾海水淡化技術研發-薄膜蒸餾模組之研發(II)
278 100-2 會議論文 Distillation Flux of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation in Various Membrane Modules
279 99-1 研究報告 應用集光型太陽熱電驅動史特靈引擎之薄膜蒸餾海水淡化技術研發-薄膜蒸餾模組之研發(I)
299 95-1 會議論文 A Study on Protein Fouling in Submerged Membrane Filtration System
280 98-1 期刊論文 The influences of recycle on performance of baffled double-pass flat-plate solar air heaters with internal fins attached
281 94-2 期刊論文 Ultrafiltration on Sizing Agent Solution in Tubular-Membrane Module
282 100-1 期刊論文 Experimental and simulation study of a solar thermal driven membrane distillation desalination process
283 86-1 會議論文 Permeate flux prediction by integral osmotic-pressure model for ultrafiltration of macromolecular solutions
284 86-1 期刊論文 Permeate flux behaviors under various pressure declines in membrane ultrafiltration module
285 88-2 期刊論文 Mass Transfer for Dialysis with Ultrafiltration Flux Declined in Cross-Flow Membrane Modules
286 88-1 論文指導 化工一碩士班 張明仁
287 96-1 會議論文 無機薄膜過濾玻尿酸溶液之研究
288 98-1 會議論文 鹽水濃度與組成對直接接觸式薄膜蒸餾膜結垢之影響
289 96-2 會議論文 Dimensionless Analysis of Mass Transfer Coefficient of Gas-Sparging Ultrafiltration in Tubular Membrane
290 86-2 期刊論文 Permeate flux prediction by integral osmotic-pressure model for ultrafiltration of macromolecular solutions
291 94-1 會議論文 Separation of Amino Acid from Macromolecules by Inorganic Nanofiltration Membrane
292 94-1 會議論文 A Study on the Nanofiltration of Electrolytic Solutions using Polymeric Membrane
293 92-2 會議論文 Relationship between Gas Bubble Velocity and Permeate Flux in Gas-sparging Ultrafiltration with Various
294 94-1 會議論文 A Study on the Separation of Amino Acid from the Solution Containing a Larger Molecule by Nanofiltration
295 86-1 期刊論文 管式薄膜超過濾之阻力分析
296 94-1 會議論文 平板型載體中藥物溶解速率及邊界層阻力對藥物釋放之影響
297 96-2 期刊論文 Effects of aeration and inclination on flux performance of submerged membrane filtration
298 96-1 會議論文 Filtration of BSA Solutions in Inorganic Tubular Membranes
300 94-1 會議論文 奈米過濾應用於混合溶液中分離胺基酸之探討