La Contribución Desde la Perspectiva Cognitiva del“Multi-Lengua”:Un Curso Complementario en la WEB
學年 96
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2007-09-01
作品名稱 La Contribución Desde la Perspectiva Cognitiva del“Multi-Lengua”:Un Curso Complementario en la WEB
作品名稱(其他語言) 以認知教學理論的角度探討「多語莫敵」網路輔助課程的功能
著者 何萬儀; Her, Wan-i
單位 淡江大學西班牙語文學系
出版者 淡江大學
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 淡江人文社會學刊 31,頁143-165
摘要 Learning is process in which the individual undergoes the phases of cognition, differentiation, obtaining of new knowledge and, finally, change of cognitive structure, so the individual psychological activities play a very important role in learning. In fact, learning is something spontaneous and voluntary. The cognitive psychologist Brunner points out that teaching consists of putting the student in a significant learning environment and letting him try by himself until obtains the knowledge; in this way, the learning objective can be achieved. However, the individual needs to have previously basic capacity and knowledge; otherwise, it is impossible to produce the so-called “Learning by discovery’, a theory raised by Ausubel. The present study inquired of a total of 110 freshmen of Spanish at Tamkang about the MULTI, a digital complementary curse prepared by professors of the same university. From the cognitive perspective we have considered the contribution that the mentioned course could make to classroom teaching.學習是個體經由認識、辨別、理解、取得新知識、進而改變其認知結構的過程。因此,個體的心理活動在學習中扮演著極重要的角色。學習的產生是內發、主動的。認知心理學家Bruner指出,教學乃是將學生置身於一個有意義的學習環境中,使其經由自行探索,從而吸收知識,達成學習的目的。但學生需具有相當的先備知識和先備技能,否則無法主動從事「發現學習」(Ausbel,1960)。本文就淡江大學西語系一年級一百一十名學生對「多語莫敵」網路輔助課程使用反應,進行調查分析,從認知理論基礎,探討該輔助學習課程對傳統課堂教學交互作用的價值取向。
語言 es
ISSN 1029-8312
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

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