The Ontology of The Nocturnal Soul and Ambivalent Juxtaposition Of the Gods Reflected in Virgil’s Aeneid
學年 94
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2006-02-01
作品名稱 The Ontology of The Nocturnal Soul and Ambivalent Juxtaposition Of the Gods Reflected in Virgil’s Aeneid
作品名稱(其他語言) 維吉爾史詩《伊尼伊德》: 眾神的陰騭力及其愛恨重疊並置
著者 吳瑜雲
單位 淡江大學英文學系
出版者 玄奘大學文理學院
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Hsuan Chuang Humanities Journal (玄奘人文學報) 6, pp.193-210
摘要 本文嘗試探討維吉爾史詩《伊尼伊德》中所呈現之眾神黑暗本性及其愛恨重疊並置,並了解諸神在該史詩中所據的地位涵義。討論中,我將運用黑格爾所提的黑暗本性之瘋癲理論,來例證這些具人神同樣特質的維吉爾眾神不但與道德或精神慰藉無關,且實爲具陰騭力(黑暗本性)之角色象徵,其在逆境中更是如此,且其因摯愛的執著而導致的常態衝突,實質上反映出神族陰騭力面紗的互鬥世界、愛恨的重疊並置與權詐的政治謀略,並反應不同角度之涵義:神話性、宇宙性、人性、政治性、歷史性。尤其是天后朱諾與愛神維納斯之間高潮點的拉鋸戰,更吻合本文所探討之黑暗本性:天后本身並置了對迦太基子民之摯愛的執著與向敵對之羅馬的深痛惡絕;而愛神本身並置了對伊尼亞斯特洛伊和羅馬命脈之摯愛的執著與想要摧毀迦太基之痛恨,對立中雙重愛恨的重疊並置模式。文末指出,常稱命運史詩的《伊尼伊德》應可稱「神族陰騭力史詩」或「愛恨的重疊並置史詩」。 This paper attempts to demonstrate the darkening and ambivalent natures of the heavenly ones and their significant role in Virgil's epic Aeneid. In light of the theories of the madness proposed by Hegel, I would elucidate that the anthropomorphic Virgilian divinities, far from a soothing source of moral order, stand boldly as symbolic characters of frenzied and darkening nature (the "feeling soul") especially when they confront the alienating agony of the external world, and that their engrossed fixation ("pathos") which results in regulated divine collision essentially enforce a landscape of the warfare of minds' nocturnal veiling, the sophisticated juxtapositions of the natures of animosity and love, the ambivalence, and the double-crossing politics of the human society, with the attendant mythic, nature, human, political, and historical directions. In particular, the preoccupation of the paramount tug-of-war between the nether Juno and Venus utterly illustrates the statements mentioned above because the former juxtaposes the fixed love for the Carthaginian people and the implacable hostility to the rivalrous Rome and the latter juxtaposes the friendship for Aeneas' Trojan and Roman blood and the baleful hate to annihilate the citadels of Carthage, which constitutes the juxtaposing pattern of double ambivalence. The concluding part of the paper will suggest that the Aeneid, translated as the epic of fota, could as well be called the "epic of the nocturnal soul" or the "epic of ambivalent juxtaposition."
關鍵字 Virgil, Aeneid, gods, nocturnal soul (feeling soul), ambivalent juxtaposition, fixation (pathos), Hegel
語言 en
ISSN 1815-6541
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

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