Effects of Bi and In on the Growth of Intermetallic Compounds
學年 112
學期 2
發表日期 2024-03-03
作品名稱 Effects of Bi and In on the Growth of Intermetallic Compounds
著者 Yi-Wun Wang, Hua-Tui Liang, Tzu-Ting Tseng, Guo-Wei Wu
會議名稱 TMS2004
會議地點 美國
摘要 The properties of solder determine product applications. Aerospace, automotive and consumer electronics need different type of solder. Melting point is one of the important criterions. The aim of this study is to develop lead-free solder for consumer electronics. Low-temperature lead-free solder is indispensable to consumer electronics. The advantages of lowering process temperature include easing device damage and carbon emission. We regard Bi and In as low-temperature solder candidates. Microstructural observations between low-temperature solder and Cu during reflow and aging reactions were investigated in this study. The experimental results are as follows: (1) Reflow temperature and Bi diffusion are responsible for Bi segregation at the interface; (2) A mixed layer of Cu-In compounds formed at low temperature; (3) The storage time of In-based solder could not be ignored.
關鍵字 Melting point, Carbon Emission, Bi Segregation, Cu-In Compounds
語言 en_US
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20240303~20240307
國別 USA