Numerical Modeling of Electron Dynamics during Dipolarization Substorm Events
學年 112
學期 2
發表日期 2024-05-26
作品名稱 Numerical Modeling of Electron Dynamics during Dipolarization Substorm Events
著者 Kirolosse M. Girgis; Tohru Hada; Wang, Kaiti; Fumiko Otsuka; Akimasa Yoshikawa
會議名稱 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
會議地點 千葉,日本
摘要 We developed a test particle simulation code to examine the electron dynamics during multiple dipolarization substorm events detected by the THEMIS mission. We evaluated the trajectories of 0.1, 1, and 10 keV electrons with different initial pitch angles and L-shells by implementing the Tao-Chan-Brizard guiding center model and the full Lorentz particle motion. We applied the Tsyganenko model TS05 and the IGRF-12 to generate the time-varying magnetic field model with the corresponding inductive and polarized electric fields. Our preliminary simulation results confirmed that the particle energies were enhanced in the nighttime magnetosphere during dipolarization events. We suggest that the increase in the magnetic field strength in the dipolarization event and the corresponding induced/polarized electric field energizes and transports the particles earthward, which may explain the mechanism of the particle flux enhancement in the inner magnetosphere.
關鍵字 Dipolarization;Substorm;Electron Dynamics;Test Particle Simulations;Tsyganenko Model;Inductive Electric Field;Polarized Electric Field
語言 en
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20240526~20240531
通訊作者 Kirolosse M. Girgis
國別 JPN

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