New type of Weyl semimetal with quadratic double Weyl fermions
學年 104
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2016-01-19
作品名稱 New type of Weyl semimetal with quadratic double Weyl fermions
著者 Shin-Ming Huang; Su-Yang Xu; Ilya Belopolski; Chi-Cheng Lee; Guoqing Changa; Tay-Rong Chang; BaoKai Wang; Nasser Alidoust; Guang Bian; Madhab Neupane; Daniel Sanchez; Hao Zheng; Horng-Tay Jeng; Arun Bansil; Titus Neupert; Hsin Lin; M. Zahid Hasan
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 PNAS 113, 1180
摘要 Weyl semimetals have attracted worldwide attention due to their wide range of exotic properties predicted in theories. The experimental realization had remained elusive for a long time despite much effort. Very recently, the first Weyl semimetal has been discovered in an inversion-breaking, stoichiometric solid TaAs. So far, the TaAs class remains the only Weyl semimetal available in real materials. To facilitate the transition of Weyl semimetals from the realm of purely theoretical interest to the realm of experimental studies and device applications, it is of crucial importance to identify other robust candidates that are experimentally feasible to be realized. In this paper, we propose such a Weyl semimetal candidate in an inversion-breaking, stoichiometric compound strontium silicide, SrSi2, with many new and novel properties that are distinct from TaAs. We show that SrSi2 is a Weyl semimetal even without spin–orbit coupling and that, after the inclusion of spin–orbit coupling, two Weyl fermions stick together forming an exotic double Weyl fermion with quadratic dispersions and a higher chiral charge of ±2. Moreover, we find that the Weyl nodes with opposite charges are located at different energies due to the absence of mirror symmetry in SrSi2, paving the way for the realization of the chiral magnetic effect. Our systematic results not only identify a much-needed robust Weyl semimetal candidate but also open the door to new topological Weyl physics that is not possible in TaAs.
關鍵字 topological insulator;Weyl fermion;Fermi arc;chiral magnetic effect
語言 en_US
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
國別 USA
出版型式 ,電子版

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