ELF Communication through Synchronous Video Chats: Hybridity of language, Culture, and Technology | |
學年 | 104 |
學期 | 2 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2016-03-09 |
作品名稱 | ELF Communication through Synchronous Video Chats: Hybridity of language, Culture, and Technology |
作品名稱(其他語言) | |
著者 | Jui-min Tsai |
單位 | |
出版者 | |
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 | English as a Global Language Education (EaGLE) Journal 2(1), pp.27-63 |
摘要 | The Internet constitutes a major context for the progressive evolution of intercultural communication in English as a lingua franca (ELF). Nevertheless, our understanding of how ELF speakers interact in cyberspace is limited. This study, drawing on data consisting of 85 conversation extracts from synchronous video chat discussions, investigates how Japanese and Taiwanese university students interact and communicate when they engage in cross-cultural exchanges online. This study reveals that the use of linguistic, pragmatic, cultural, and technological resources constitutes a powerful mechanism allowing interlocutors not only to tackle the obstacles they encounter but also to engage in the interpersonal dynamics of a conversation in a multifaceted fashion; that is, these resources shape and open up modes of interaction as well as fostering communicative success. As shown by the analysis, contextual variables such as educational goals, institutional support, learner identities, and communication technology have mediating effects on the way in which ELF operates. ELF's inherent hybridity, fluidity, and variety account for not only the features of language contact across geographical borders but also for the impacts of the contexts of interaction. The implications of the findings for ELF teaching and learning in the digital world are offered and discussed. 「網路」在英語為共通語之跨文化溝通活動演進中扮演著重要的角色。儘管如此,學界對於英語為共通語人士在網路上的互動,所知卻十分有限。本研究分析85段日本與台灣大學生的英語同步視訊會話討論,探究這些學生進行線上跨文化激流時的互動溝通情形。研究顯示,學生之間的跨文化溝通身球運用語言資源、語用資源、文化資源及科技資源的影響,使用這些資源不僅讓學生能夠解決對話時的溝通智障,也能以多種形式進行人際間的交談互動。換言之,這些資源塑造並開創了跨文化互動模式,同時也有助於雙方達成溝通。本研究分析發現,教育目標、校方協助、學生自我認同、通訊科技等情境變數對於英語為共通語的互動均有所影響。英語為共通語本身固有的綜合性、浮動性及多樣性不僅造就出跨國界語言的各種特徵,也會對其互動情境產生各種影響。本研究同時也提出並探討研究結果對於網路數位世界裡英語為共通語的教學帶來的啟示。 |
關鍵字 | English as a lingua franca;intercultural communication;synchronous video chats |
語言 | en |
ISSN | 2411-7137 |
期刊性質 | 國內 |
收錄於 | |
產學合作 | |
通訊作者 | |
審稿制度 | 是 |
國別 | TWN |
公開徵稿 | |
出版型式 | ,電子版 |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/106064 ) |