學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 影響網路虛擬實務社群知識分享相關因素之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study of The Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing on Virtual Community of Practice
著者 何俐安
單位 淡江大學教育科技學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-009
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 21世紀是一個以知識經濟為主流的時代,對個人而言,擁有知識就像擁有權力一樣,知 識被視為個人競爭力的基礎,唯有永保知識常新,才能維持自身競爭力;對於組織來說,員 工分享組織知識,將有助於組織降低成本、提高生產力並且增加組織競爭力;對國家發展而 言,大量累積、快速傳遞及有效的運用知識,將可以增進國家的財富與創造力,國家若能夠 持續提供人民學習的機會,便能夠培養出提升國家競爭力所需的人才。知識雖然重要,如果 知識只存在個人身上,則個人知識的價值會隨時間流逝而遞減,唯有透過持續的與他人交流 互動,進行知識分享,才能不斷增進個人知識、共同創造新知識,保持知識常新並創造價值, 維持個人與組織在市場上的優勢。 在網路尚未普及之前,人們只能與鄰近的群眾或同一組織的成員進行交流,而隨著網路 的普及與資訊科技的進步,Web 2.0崛起,人們可以主動透過網路平台與全球各地的人直接聯 繫與交流,虛擬社群也如雨後春筍般興起虛擬社群成為知識傳播的載體,虛擬社群係建置於 網路上之資訊系統,透過虛擬平台加快知識散佈與累積的速度,儼然成為知識分享的一大利 器。 然而即使建置了虛擬社群平台也未必能夠驅使每個人都願意分享個人知識,尤其是涉及 個人的專業知識的部分,因此,如何促進知識分享的議題一直都受到重視,不同學者所關注 的焦點也不同,他們各自採不同角度分析影響知識分享的因素,綜整現有文獻發現,影響知 識分享的因素十分多元,可能是受外在環境的規範,抑或是受到個人特質、內在需求的驅動, 社群經營者除了必須盡可能營造一個適合的知識分享環境,同時也要設法滿足不同參與者的 需求,以驅使其產生知識分享的行為,因而發展出不同的激勵機制。 隨網路科技發展,邀請人們參與虛擬社群相當容易,如何讓這些人持續地在社群中貢獻 自己的專業知識與經驗,與其他社群成員互動、分享,才是社群經營者的真正考驗。組織環 境、個人人格特質及內在動機…等,雖然都是影響成員知識分享的因素之一,但對社群經營 者而言,上述因素皆不如社群平台的選擇及激勵機制的運用來的容易操控,而個人的科技準 備度亦牽引著其使用資訊系統的意願,基此,本研究欲從個人科技信念切入,分析虛擬社群 平台及虛擬社群激勵機制對虛擬實務社群成員參與知識分享活動的影響。研究擬以國內網路 虛擬實務社群為例,探討虛擬社群平台品質、激勵機制、科技準備度及知識分享行為之關聯 性。希望透過虛擬社群現況的調查與分析,增加文獻中對專業人士參與網路虛擬實務社群知 識分享行為影響因素之了解,作為其他研究或其他相關機構推動、經營與管理虛擬實務社群 之參考。 本研究擬採用問卷調查法,將根據文獻編製「網路虛擬實務社群知識分享行為影響因素」 調查量表,研究母群體為國內人資小週末虛擬實務社群。問卷調查收集的資料,將經由 SPSS10.0版統計套裝軟體來進行分析,採用的統計分析包括:描述統計、信度(α值檢定)、 驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式分析。 In today’s ever-changing era, industrial structure has transformed from a labor intensive to a technology-, capital, or knowledge intensive format. Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan has been strived for the development of high technological industry. Consequently, helping industries upgrading and strengthening industrial capability in research and development have been the highlights of government policies. To meet the fasting changing needs of the markets, the leaders of 21 century must lead their organizations to effectively manage knowledge in order to improve organizational innovative ability and sustain market competitive-ability. The evolution of knowledge management has three stages: the first focuses on technology, the second emphasizes processing behaviors, culture and tacit knowledge, the third realizes that community of practice is one of the methods which can practically improve and design the work of knowledge management. Before the popularization of Internet, people often interacted with the others nearby. However, the advancement of the Web technology, such as Web 2.0, allows people to communicate with the others around the world via the Internet. Consequently, virtual communities of practice become one of the major means for people to share knowledge and experience due to its fast speed in knowledge dissimilation and accumulation. However, having a powerful and convenient tool, e.g. virtual communities, does not guarantee people will share knowledge continuously, let alone the knowledge may be considered as individual asset to their market competitive-ability. Therefore, how to facilitate knowledge sharing has becoming an important issue. Past studies indicate knowledge sharing is a complex cognitive process. There are various factors influencing knowledge sharing, internally (e.g. the willingness to use the tool or to share) and externally (the incentive of knowledge sharing and the usefulness of the tools). It is essential to understand what triggers people to share so the virtual community of practice can sustain and have values. The present study aims at investigating the relationship among system quality of the virtual community platform, the incentive structure, community members’ technology readiness, and knowledge sharing behaviors. The research population targets at a virtual community of practice in Taiwan. Survey questionnaires will be used to collect data. The valid returned questionnaires will be numbered, processed, analyzed using SPSS for Windows 10.0 and LISREL 8.52.
關鍵字 虛擬實務社群; 知識分享; 社群平台品質; 激勵機制; 科技準備度; virtual community of practice; knowledge sharing behavior; community system quality; incentive; technology readiness
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102895 )
