學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 基於Web2.0之英語學習適性化推薦機制研發與驗證
作品名稱(其他語言) The Design of Esl Reading Recommendation Mechanism and Verification Based on Web 2.0
著者 郭經華; 陳孟彰
單位 淡江大學資訊工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2511-S032-003-MY3
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 In the present proposal, we will use the power of web 2.0 to encourage second language learners to develop their interest in reading and their reading ability by integrating some functionality of Facebook, Youtube, and social tagging into IWiLL (Intelligent web-based language learning) system. In addition to the existing IWiLL system, three mechanisms based on web 2.0 will be designed in this proposal. The first one, the article recommenders, is a personalized recommendation system that provides suitable reading material for the learner based on his or her reading level and interest. The second mechanism is lyrics recommendation, which uses Youtube music videos selected for the appropriate level and includes a mobile version as well as a web version.With lyrics recommendation, learners can do language learning by sharing their experience with other learners. The third one, social tagging, is a collaborative tool that tags key words in articles, which will allow learners to accumulate experience and knowledge. Furthermore, we will design extensive reading strategies for learners that incorporate the above mechanisms. Each strategy proposed will be evaluated in a high school. 延續智慧型互動式語言學習社群(IWiLL)之發展,本計畫規劃結合Facebook、Youtube、社群標籤等網路社群服務功能,希冀藉由數位原生世代學習者的特性,將web 2.0網路社群服務適切導入行動學習與網路學習工具,以提升學習者的閱讀興趣與能力。 計畫中除了廣泛閱讀之策略與活動設計外,在數位工具的研發上,立基於IWiLL既有學習平台與社群機制外,將發展三項web 2.0的機制並進行成效驗證。一、文章推薦機制之研發,設計一適性化之網頁文章推薦閱讀機制;二、歌曲推薦機制之研發,設計以行動載具及網頁二種介面供學習者點選播放Youtube歌曲影片,並以遊戲方式學習英語搭配詞之正確使用方式;三、Social tagging機制之研發及學習驗證,設計一協同標籤為基礎之合作式學習輔導機制。藉由文章推薦、多媒體影音歌曲推薦、文章標籤共享等推薦標的等機制所衍生的群創智慧與群眾力量,增強其閱讀動機與學習興趣。此外,系統提供學習者隨時隨地進行學習,累積學習者於社群網路服務系統中與同儕互動的過程中,所遺留下之閱讀、寫作歷程資料,供系統分析特定族群學習者之語言能力,從而改進系統推薦效能與評估學習成效,為培養英語閱讀興趣做出具體貢獻。
關鍵字 網路學習社群; 推薦系統; 標籤工具; Web 2,0; 行動學習; 回饋; API; YouTube; Network learning community; recommendation system; social tagging; Web 2,0; mobile learning; feedback; API; YouTube
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102835 )
