i-City 智慧城市之前瞻技術研發與實作 | |
學年 | 100 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2011-08-01 |
作品名稱 | i-City 智慧城市之前瞻技術研發與實作 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Advanced Research and Implementation of Intelligent City(I-City) |
著者 | 郭經華; 黃仁俊; 石貴平; 洪文斌; 張志勇 |
單位 | 淡江大學資訊工程學系 |
描述 | 計畫編號:NSC100-2632-E032-001-MY3
 研究經費:4,500,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | In recent years, a huge number of fixed cameras have been widely deployed in Taiwan cities. The vehicular image recorders installed in vehicles also can be treated as mobile camera sensors moved on roads. However, these images only can be locally stored and the inquiry for specific images is time consuming. Since the mobile Internet services including 3G, 3.5G and WiMAX provide mobile users with Internet access anytime and anywhere, it is highly expected that the city intelligence can be built up so that people in city can access rich information in order to reduce the transportation time, enhance work efficiency and hence better life quality. The major goal of this project is to develop key technologies for collecting, processing, storing, and then providing rich information including the environmental information (such as temperature, humidity, and noise level), the image captured by fixed and mobile cameras and the road information (such as traffic and smooth condition). This proposal proposes a three-year integrated project which consists of five sub-projects aiming at developing core technologies for establishing the information infrastructure of an intelligent city (i-City). The major goal of Sub-project-1 is to develop cognitive radio technique for exploiting much more available bandwidth for transmitting video and sensing information in the vehicular networks. Sub-project-2 aims to construct a cloud computing infrastructure for storing and managing the video and sensing information and provides uses with real-time video subscribing service, environmental information service (such as air quality, temperature, noise degree) as well as road-condition query service. To increase the image quality and reduce the redundant image, Sub-project-3 will develop image processing and image fusion mechanisms. Sub-project-4 aims to develop security mechanisms for legally anonymous user to access and provide information to i-City system. The devised mechanism will provide confidentiality, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation and privacy preserving. Finally, the Sub-project-5 will investigate the IEEE 802.16m/LTE broadband transmission technologies for transmitting video and sensing information from application server to the mobile users. In addition, the Sub-project-5 will further develop monitoring mechanisms for the visual sensor network which consists of a number of fixed cameras that have been widely deployed in the cities. In addition to the theoretical study, the techniques developed in the three-year project will be implemented to verify their feasibilities and performances. Three major tasks of hardware implementation will be completed. First, a mobile sensing embedded module that collects air quality, temperature, humidity, and noise level, will be implemented and installed in the vehicles. Another hardware implementation is the vehicular image handling module which is able to record and process images and transmit them via WiFi radio. In addition, an infrastructure of cloud computing will be established. The research results accomplished by each sub-project will be implemented in the developed hardware modules. Base on the theoretical study and hardware/software implementations, people in the intelligent city can access the rich information anytime and anywhere. 有鑑於在現代城市中,固定式攝影機的遍佈及行動式攝影機(如行車記錄器及手機) 的使用普及,人及車輛有如影像的行動收集器,而WiFi 網路及3G/WiMAX 網路服務的 提供,亦使整個城市已漸漸形成一個沒有Internet 連線死角的網路城市,我們的社會機 制與日常生活也漸漸在此綿密的網路基礎架構上,建立資訊交流、提昇工作效率與優化 生活品質的智慧型城市已指日可待。然而人們所關切的大量影像與感測資料,該如何即 時、安全、有效地處理、傳輸、儲存及運用行動收集器所收集的感測資訊及影像,將是 目前將面臨且急待解決的問題,如何提供使用者查詢與訂閱這些與人類生活息息相關的 大量影像、環境資訊(溫濕度、空氣品質)及道路(行車狀況、路面平坦度、車速)等資訊, 以提昇資訊收集及其運用的智慧,將是建構智慧城市的重要基礎,亦是本計畫擬達成的 目標。 本計畫為一個三年期之私校發展研發特色專案計畫,共分為五個子計畫,其研發的 技術包括實體層(Physical Layer)、資料連結層(Data Link Layer)、網路層(Network Layer)、 傳輸層(Transport Layer)及應用層(Application Layer) 。子計畫一將研發感知網路 (Cognitive Radio Networks, CRNs) 之技術,以開發更多的頻寬資源,供車載網路(VANETs) 間傳輸大量的影像與感測資料至資料處理中心,以提昇車載網路之通訊效能。子計畫二 主要發展雲端運算技術,以有效儲存、管理與提供查詢與訂閱車載網路所收集之影像及 感測資訊。子計畫三,將運用多媒體處理技術對大量且多解析度的即時影像資料進行融 合及接合處理,以減少傳輸影像所需消耗的頻寬並提昇影像服務的內容品質。子計畫 四,研發有效控管匿名合法使用者提供或擷取i-City 資訊技術,並確保私密性、鑑別性、 完整性與不可否認性,並有條件的保護使用者隱私。子計畫五,在IEEE 802.16m/LTE 網路下研發寬頻無線傳輸機制,並針對固定式攝影機所形成的視覺網路(Visual Sensor Networks, VSNs)分別開發其通訊及監控技術,以提供使用者具有QoS 的即時影像及感 測資訊查詢及訂閱服務。 在實作部份,本計畫將實現三年計畫之研發成果,除了在硬體上研發具各式感測能 力的行動感測裝置、具WiFi 傳輸能力的嵌入式行車記錄裝置以及建置雲端網路架構外, 亦將把各計畫所研發的成果實現於嵌入式行車記錄裝置、路側系統及雲端伺服器中,以 驗證本計畫之可行性及其效能。 |
關鍵字 | 物聯網; 智慧城市; 環境感知; 無線通訊; 雲端運算; 多媒體處理; 匿名鑑別; 安全通訊; 無線寬頻; Intelligent city; cognitive radio network; vehicular communication; mobile sensor; image processing; security; cloud computing; WiMAX broadband networking |
語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76347 ) |