歐洲對外行動處之研究:歐盟強化外交行政與對外集體 行動能力的新構想 | |
學年 | 101 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2012-08-01 |
作品名稱 | 歐洲對外行動處之研究:歐盟強化外交行政與對外集體 行動能力的新構想 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Eeas: New Impetus for Strenthening the Eu$S Foreign Administration and External Collective Action |
著者 | 張福昌 |
單位 | 淡江大學歐洲研究所 |
描述 | 國科會研究計畫案 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-046
 研究經費:510,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | The Lisbon Treaty has changed the traditional Foreign Policy system of the EU. The European External Action Service (EEAS) is established under the Lisbon Treaty with the purpose to reconstruct all of the foreign resources of the EU and its Member States and to improve the capabilities and efficiency of the EU’s external actions. Potentailly, the EEAS will create a more coherent European Foreign Policy. Whether the EU can enhance its external collective action? Whether the EU can fulfill its function to unite the foreign policies of its Member States and to strengthen the EU’s international influence? All of these are worthy of serious consideration and study. This research project will be aiming at the EEAS. First of all, it will use Institutionalism and the Science of Administration as its theoretical basis to understand the EEAS’ potential function and problems; secondly, it will take “the process of the EU’s collective action in the UN” and “the process of the EU’s policy-making to the issue of Iran’s nuclear weapon” as example to review the EEAS’s role and function in these two cases; finally, it will use the above theories and cases as basis to explain the following questions related to the EEAS: (1) whether the differences of administrative cultures between the EEAS and the diplomatic services of the Member States will cause obstacles to the EEAS’ staff appointment; (2) how to define the EEAS’ role and contribution to the CFSP decision-making and collective action; (3) how the EEAS coordinates and cooperates with the diplomatic services of the Member States in the international organization and in the Third Country; (4) whether the EEAS can strengthen the collective action of CFSP and CSDP effectively. 里斯本條約改變了歐盟過去的對外行動體系,其中,又以設立「歐洲對外行動處」(EEAS)的意義最為重大。EEAS是一個整併歐盟與歐盟會員國外交資源的綜合體,目的在於提升歐盟對外行動的能力與效率,進而發展出一個更團結一致的歐洲外交政策。EEAS到底能不能使歐盟對外集體行動能力增強?EEAS是否能發揮凝聚歐盟會員國外交政策與強化歐盟國際影響力的功能?這些議題都值得觀察與研究。 本研究計劃以EEAS為主要研究標的,首先,以制度主義與行政學為理論依據,藉此以理解EEAS這套新外交行政制度的潛在功能與問題;其次,以「歐盟在聯合國的集體行動過程」與「歐盟對伊朗核武議題的政策形成過程」為例,探討EEAS在這兩個案例中的角色與功能;最後,以上述理論與實際案例為基礎,嘗試回答以下四個攸關「歐洲對外行動處」的核心問題:第一,EEAS之行政文化與歐盟會員國外交單位之行政文化間的差異會不會造成EEAS人事任命上的障礙;第二,如何界定EEAS在「共同外交與安全政策」決策過程與集體行動中的角色與貢獻;第三,EEAS如何與歐盟會員國之駐外單位在國際組織或單一國家中合作與互動;第四,EEAS是否能夠有效提升「共同外交與安全政策」及「共同安全與防衛政策」的集體行動能力。 |
關鍵字 | 歐洲聯盟; 歐洲對外行動處; 共同外交與安全政策; 共同安全與防衛政策; 歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表; 歐盟代表處; EU; EEAS; CFSP; CSDP; High Representative; EU Delegation |
語言 | zh_TW |
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