Travelling wave solutions for Kolmogorov-type delayed lattice reaction–diffusion systems
學年 104
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2015-10-01
作品名稱 Travelling wave solutions for Kolmogorov-type delayed lattice reaction–diffusion systems
著者 Yang, Ting-Hui; Hsu, Cheng-Hsiung; Lin, Jian-Jhong
單位 淡江大學數學學系
出版者 Oxford: Oxford University Press
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 80 (5), pp.1336-1367
摘要 This work investigates the existence and non-existence of travelling wave solutions for Kolmogorov-type delayed lattice reaction–diffusion systems. Employing the cross iterative technique coupled with the explicit construction of upper and lower solutions in the theory of quasimonotone dynamical systems, we can find two threshold speeds c∗ and c∗ with c∗≥c∗>0. If the wave speed is greater than c∗, then we establish the existence of travelling wave solutions connecting two different equilibria. On the other hand, if the wave speed is smaller than c∗, we further prove the non-existence result of travelling wave solutions. Finally, several ecological examples including one-species, two-species and three-species models with various functional responses and time delays are presented to illustrate the analytical results.
關鍵字 travelling wave solutions;upper–lower solution;delayed lattice reaction–diffusion systems;Kolmogorov-type
語言 en
ISSN 0272-4960
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
通訊作者 楊定揮
國別 GBR
出版型式 ,紙本

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