Cultural Issues during Intercultural Communication
學年 98
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-01-01
作品名稱 Cultural Issues during Intercultural Communication
作品名稱(其他語言) 跨文化溝通中的文化差異問題
著者 Chen, Li-Chuan; Chen, Wen-Chun
單位 淡江大學法國語文學系
出版者 臺北市:政治大學外國語文學院
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 外國語文研究=Foreign Language Studies 11,頁91-122
摘要 良好的外語溝通能力的與外語學習及教學過程中之跨文化能力培養息息相關。這篇論文中對於「跨文化」一詞之解讀方向為兩種不同的文化在交流中產生的種種變化。因此,所謂的「跨文化溝通」意旨文化相異的兩方進入互動的情境也因而產生文化交會與文化衝擊。現今的世界,人與人之間的交集頻繁,因文化差異產生的問題已經不再跼限於國家間的界限更包含文化認同、種族、經濟、軍事、健康等種種問題。了解不同族群的文化有助於國際間更好的溝通與合作。本論文將引用原籍荷蘭學者霍夫斯塔德的文化研究模式輔以荷蘭學者特羅潘納的文化向度及美國學者哈爾的情境差異來描述不同族群間的文化差異並提出一些文化交流可能產生的問題。 Communicative competence in a second or foreign language is closely related to learners' development of intercultural understanding. The current research intends to offer a novel interpretation of “intercultural understanding” as the dynamics generated during the interactions between two (or more) cultures. However, the interactional force can create both cultural infusion and cultural clash. In the course of rapid globalization, the consequences of cultural differences have gone beyond national borderlines and have far expanded to the domains of cultural identity, race, economy, military, and health. A sound understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of the vast variety of cultures can certainly make positive impact on international collaborations among peoples. In the present study, researchers contextualize three renowned socio-cultural models-respectively created by a Dutch psychologist G. Hofstede (national cultural differences), a Dutch sociologist F. Trompenaars (cultural dimensions) and an American scolar E.T. Hall (high/low context culture); to illustrate the possible problems resulted from cultural exchange.
關鍵字 溝通能力;文化;跨文化;互動;跨文化溝通;文化向度;情境;intercultural;communication;language learning
語言 en_US
ISSN 1813-0755
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 Chen, Li-Chuan
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

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