學年 98
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2010-05-01
作品名稱 運用線性結構模式探討臺北市國小健康與健體教師課程領導、組織承諾和教學效能之關聯性
作品名稱(其他語言) Correlation of Linear Structural Eqation Model on Curriculum Leadership, Organizational Commitment and Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary School Physical Education Teachers in Taipei
著者 許惠英; 李維仁; 蔡慧敏; 吳承恩
單位 淡江大學體育室
出版者 中華民國大專院校體育總會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 大專體育學術專刊 99年度,頁226-232
摘要 本研究參考組織承諾前因後果模式去驗證課程領導、組織承諾及教學效能間的關係及相互影響性。本研究假設課程領導會透過組織承諾的中介作用而影響教學效能。本研究係以臺北市國小健體教師為研究對象,總計回收之有效問卷共187份。經實證分析,本研究綜合發現如下:一、臺北市國小健體教師之組織承諾愈高,則他們的教學效能也愈高,兩變項間呈現顯著的正向相關性及影響性。二、臺北市國小健體教師之課程領導認知愈高,則他們的教學效能也愈高,兩變項間呈現顯著的正向相關性及影響性。三、臺北市國小健體教師之課程領導認知愈高,則他們的組織承諾也愈高,兩變項間呈現顯著的正向相關性及影響性。四、臺北市國小健體教師之課程領導除了直接影響教學效能之外,也會透過組織承諾而影響教學效能。五、經由結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)建立整體模組設定,並導入LISREL 8.2驗證分析,本研究變項架構整體適合度尚稱適合,同時也驗證組織承諾為課程領導與教學效能路徑之部分中介之變項。亦驗證本研究之研究路徑:課程領導經由組織承諾影響到教學效能。 This study took 145 full-time elementary school physical education teachers in Taipei City as the sample. There were 200 questionnaire sheets distributed and 187 valid questionnaires returned. The valid response rate was 93%. After statistic analysis, the study finds that: First, the higher organizational commitment elementary school physical education teachers, the higher Teaching Effectiveness they show; these two variables show positive correlation and influence. Second, the higher curriculum leadership had toward the teaching effectiveness, the higher they expect to perform; these two variables show positive correlation and influence. Third, the highercurriculum leadership thad toward the organizational commitment, the higher commitment they undertake; these two variables show positive correlation and influence. Fourth, the curriculum leadership either directly or indirectly affects performance via organizational commitment. Fifth, using structural equation modeling (SEM) to set up the integral pattern, and run on LISREL 8.2 to analyze data. The variable structure's appropriateness of this study is appropriate, and also able to prove that, organizational commitment is the medium factor between the curriculum leadership and teaching effectiveness.
關鍵字 整體模組,變項架構,整體適合度;integral pattern,variable structure,appropriateness
語言 zh_TW
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/92132 )
