學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-12-01
作品名稱 天邊--試析雲菁唐人街小說
作品名稱(其他語言) The Other Side of the World-A Study of Yun Ching Bezine's Novels Concerning China Town
著者 陳大道
單位 淡江大學中國文學學系
出版者 新北市: 淡江大學中文系漢學研究中心
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 淡江中文學報=Tamkang Journal of Chinese Literature 23,頁 129-167
摘要 Yun Ching Bezine leaving for USA as a student when literature of student immigrants was popular in Taiwan. She continuously had her novels published by the well-known magazine Crown, hang guan. Thus, she was not only an immigrant student writer but also involved in popular literature. Popular literature authors wrote light stories though their lives were difficult in Shanghai in the Teens and Twenties, and the Crown in Taiwan continued publishing light stories. Yun Ching’s writings from the sixties to the beginning of eighties can be divided into two periods: American mainland stages and Hawaii stages. Themes of her novels developed from depicting homesickness of Taiwanese abroad students, to a discontented lady living alone in a big mansion, followed by the drifting life of mankind, then the unforgettable Hawaii passion. 雲菁是60年代初期留美的小說家。本文主張當年留學生小說「失根」、「離散」常見主題在雲菁作品鮮有的原因之一,在於雲菁嫁入唐人街舊僑族群的婚姻背景。台灣中興大學畢業的雲菁,在初抵美國兩年問世的〈天的這邊〉,宣洩她對唐人街殘留珠江三角洲前清農業文化的不滿,十餘年後,她的怨氣已消,再描述祖孫三代大河小說《月兒彎彎》裡,以唐人街一間餐館創業家庭為對象,款款陳述華裔舊僑移民故事。本文從分析〈天的這邊〉下筆,再以《月兒彎彎》為軸心,配合雲菁其他具有唐人街背景的小說,分別以「留學生與唐人街」、「婚姻與老人問題」、「匯款與子女教養問題」,以及「離開唐人街的抉擇」四個子題,分析雲菁小說裡的唐人街情景。
關鍵字 留學生文學;雲菁;唐人街;美國;移民;student immigrant literature;Yun Ching Bezine;China Town;USA;immigrant
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1819-7469
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

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