學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-01-01
作品名稱 應用集光型太陽熱電驅動史特靈引擎之薄膜蒸餾海水淡化技術研發-全太陽能驅動薄膜蒸餾海水淡化雛型系統之設計、最佳化與操作性能研究(I)
作品名稱(其他語言) Design, Optimization and Operation Performance Study of a Prototype Fully Solar Powered Md Desalination System
著者 張煖; 張訜庭
單位 淡江大學化學工程與材料工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2621-M032-004
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Solar powered desalination technology is very promising for alleviating the energy and water resources shortage issues. Membrane distillation, being capable of directly utilizing solar thermal energy, is becoming a critical developing technology in many countries and is expected to be advantageous in cost. Concentrated solar powered Stirling engine system, which provides electricity with 30% efficiency as well as high temperature heat, is developing into a major solar thermal power technology. The integrated project proposes a new technology by integrating the concentrated solar powered Stirling engine system and the membrane distillation desalination system. The innovative technology allows the enhancement of both systems and bears great potential to be attractive. The new system is composed of three sub-systems, i.e. the solar thermal power, thermal storage and desalination. Build upon other sub-projects working on these sub-systems, this sub-project is to study the overall system, including the design, optimization and operability analysis, and will build on the research site a prototype system with the pure water capacity of 500 L/day. This sub-project will approach the goal with systematic methodology, which involves the following works: develop and verification of the dynamic mathematic models for major devices; verification of the mathematic models for scale-up; optimization for the overall system, the basic design, detailed design and control strategy development for the overall system; the operability analysis for the overall system; set-up, testing and long time operation of a prototype system; formulate a demonstration plan and a promotion mechanism for the technology. 太陽能驅動之海水淡化系統可同時紓緩能源與水資源短缺之難題,其中利用薄膜蒸餾技術之海水淡化系統因可直接利用太陽熱能,更是各國積極發展之重點技術,其成本亦估計將具有極大優勢。太陽熱電技術中之集光型太陽能驅動史特靈系統具有發電效率可達30%,且可提供高溫熱能之優點,將成為未來主流之太陽能發電系統。本整合型計畫提出結合集光型太陽能驅動史特靈系統與薄膜蒸餾海水淡化系統之創新概念,可同時強化兩系統之優點,是極具潛力之新技術。此新技術是由三個次系統所構成,包括太陽熱電、儲熱與海水淡化。本子計畫在其他子計畫針對個別次系統之研究之上,將針對整體系統,進行設計、最佳化與操作性能研究,且將建置一套位於研究單位的日產500升純水之實體雛型系統。 本研究將以系統化方式進行下列工作以達成計畫之目標:建立與驗證主要裝置之動態數學模式、驗證放大設計(Scale-up)所需數學模式、整體系統之最佳化、整體系統之基本設計(Basic Design)、細部設計(Detailed Design)與控制策略研擬、整體系統之操作性分析(Operability)、CSPSE-MDDS實體雛型系統之建置、測試與長期運轉、示範計畫與推廣機制之研擬。
關鍵字 太陽能; 海水淡化; 集光型太陽發電; 史特靈引擎; 薄膜蒸餾
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76105 )
