Testing Quality Assurance Using Process Capability Indices Cpu and Cpl Based on Several Group of Samples with Unequal Sizes
學年 94
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2006-03-01
作品名稱 Testing Quality Assurance Using Process Capability Indices Cpu and Cpl Based on Several Group of Samples with Unequal Sizes
著者 Shu, M.H.; Lu, K.H.; Hsu, B.M.; Lou, K. R.
單位 淡江大學經營決策學系
出版者 Taipei : Graduate Institute of Management Science, Tamkang University
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 International Journal of Information and Management Sciences 17(1), pp.47-65
摘要 For stably normal processes with one-sided specification limits, capability indices $C_{PU}$ and $C_{PL}$ have been used to provide numerical measures for product quality assurance from manufacturing perspective. Statistical properties of the estimators of $C_{PU}$ and $C_{PL}$ have been investigated extensively for cases with one single sample. In this paper, we consider testing product quality assurance for cases of several groups of samples with unequal sizes. We obtain the uniform minimum variance unbiased estimators (UMVUEs) of $C_{PU}$ and $C_{PL}$, and develop a powerful test for that purpose. We also implement Fortran programs to compute the $p$-values, critical values, for testing product quality assurance. A practical procedure using the UMVUEs is provided to assist the practitioners judging whether their processes are capable of reproducing reliable products. An example of voltage limiting amplifier (VLA) is presented to illustrate the practicality of our approach to actual data collected from the real-world applications.
關鍵字 Process Capability Indices; UMVUE; One-Sided Speci cation Limit; Several Groups of Samples; Hypothesis Testing
語言 en
ISSN 1017-1819
期刊性質 國內
收錄於 EI
出版型式 紙本

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