數位學習碩士在職專班之方案評鑑---以淡江大學教育科技系為例 | |
學年 | 97 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2009-01-01 |
作品名稱 | 數位學習碩士在職專班之方案評鑑---以淡江大學教育科技系為例 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | The Program Evaluation of E-Learning Executive Master Program at Educational Technology of Tamkang University |
著者 | 何俐安 |
單位 | 淡江大學教育科技學系 |
描述 | 計畫編號:NSC98-2511-S032-001 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:301,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | 電腦和網路科技的普及與發展,數位學習蔚然成為一種推動在職進修與終身學習 最便利與快速的學習管道,使學習不再受到空間與時間的限制。從數位學習發展較為 成熟的國家可發現普及的基礎網路建設是成功數位學習不可或缺的要素,而數位學習 的對象也多已成人為主,為在職進修與終身學習帶來良好的學習契機。 國內數位學習在 2002 年行政院國家科學委員會開始推動了「數位學習國家科技 計劃」,目的是希望透過政府的引導,推動全民數位學習,減少數位落差,提升知識經 濟時代國家之競爭力,並帶動數位學習相關產業發展,推動新一波的學術研究。國內 高等教育數位學習目前已有60 多校參與實施,開設學分課程數已超過500 門、修課人 數近4 萬人。近年來透過數位學習方式修習國內在職專班、推廣教育及國外學校的課 程的人數亦有逐年增加趨勢。教育部於民國九十五年開放數位學習碩士在職學位專班 試辦,共有三校五班取得辦理資格,包括:淡江大學教育科技專班、淡江大學全球華 商經營管理專班、國立中正大學教學專業發展專班、國立中正大學通訊資訊專班、國 立中山大學數位學習資訊管理專班等。 教育部為確保數位學習學分及學位課程之教學品質,定期實施各項評鑑以檢視其 成效,但在成效訪視執行上受限於時間有限,訪視委員僅能針對專班自評表與實體環 境進行初步的訪視審查,在訪視委員進行訪談時,受限於學生是以遠距方式授課,僅 能與教師進行訪談。在學生成效問卷以量化數據呈現,只能瞭解學生整體之意見,卻 無法深入暸解各評鑑項目滿意度之原因。有鑑於此,本研究以內部評鑑為出發點,規 劃並實施評鑑活動,嘗試以質化方式蒐集資料深入瞭解方案整體脈絡,協助組織相關 人員段發現問題缺失所在,作為改進教學之依據,確保課程能達到教學目標的程度。 並能與現行的評鑑方式整合互補,以建立自我管機制改進高等教育機構品質,提供有 關資料供作為繼續或停止試辦計畫的參考與決策之依據。基此,本研究目的為瞭解淡 江大學教育科技系數位學習碩士在職專班方案的實施現況與成效,分析方案缺失的成 因,作為改善教學之依據,進而提升數位學習碩士在職專班教學品質。研究對象為淡 江大學教育科技系數位學習碩士專班作為研究標的,該專班的教師與學習者皆為本研 究的對象。資料蒐集方法包括訪談、觀察以及文件分析。資料將應用三角驗證法與參 與者檢驗法來確認資料的效度。 The popularity and development of computer and internet technology has paved the way for e-learning as a mean of professional development and life-long learning. E-learning has helped learners overcome geographical and time constrains in receiving education. From countries in which the development of e-learning is at a more mature state, it is learned that appropriate internet infrastructure is one of the key elements for successful e-learning implementation, and that adult learners are the major population to whom most e-learning programs serve. It is discovered that e-learning opens the door for on-job learning and life-long learning. In order for Taiwan to catch up the global trend of e-learning, National Science Council has rolled out the “National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning” since 2002. The goal is to (1) push all citizens to take advantages of e-learning through the facilitation of the government, (2) decrease the digital divide, (3) enhances the national competitive-ability in the knowledge era, (4) begin the development of e-learning related industries, and (5) elicit academic researches. Up till now, we have more than sixty universities provide e-learning courses, with a total of course numbers exceeding 500. The number of students who have taken e-learning courses in universities is closed to 40,000. Recent years, statistics show that the numbers of e-learning courses for the college and university students as well as continuous learning students are increasing. The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has accepted the applications of the implementation of e-learning executive master programs at higher education institutes since 2006. There are 3 universities with a total of 5 e-learning master programs have passed the evaluation. The department of educational technology at Tamkang University is one of the programs that obtains the qualification of implementing e-learning master program. In order to ensure the quality of these e-learning master programs, The Ministry of Education has planned various evaluations to check the effectiveness of these programs. However, due to the time constrains, it is difficult for the evaluation officers to really talk with the people who have been involved in these programs and really learn the essence of these programs. For example, the only way for the evaluation officers to learn the students’ feedback are based on the results of the survey questionnaires. Unfortunately these data fails to shed any insights as how the enrolled students’ satisfaction levels toward these e-learning programs. Thus, the present study aims to plan and implement a series of evaluation activities using qualitative methods in order to gain deep understanding of the e-learning program at Tamkang University. The findings will be used to provide improvement suggestions to the school administrations. Therefore, a qualitative research method will be used. The research subjects are faculty, staff and students who are involved in the e-learning master program at Tamkang university. Data collecting methods are interview, observations and document analysis. The collected data will be validated using the triangulation technique and the members checking technique |
關鍵字 | 方案評鑑; 數位學習; program evaluation; e-learning |
語言 | |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/47113 ) |