
學年 112
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2023-09-04
作品名稱 Israel-Taiwan Relations in a Changing Geopolitical Environment
著者 Mor Sobol
出版者 Routledge
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Israel-Asia Relations in the Twenty-First Century
摘要 This book examines Israel's growing interaction with Asia's sub-regions and countries since the 1990s. It shows how these interactions have increased in recent years, both at government level and for companies, entrepreneurs, academic institutions, religious groups, tourists, and NGOs. Likewise, it discusses the evolving shared interests between Israel and Asian states and demonstrates how Asian countries adopted sophisticated policies that allowed them to get closer to Israel without compromising their traditional support of the pro-Palestinian position. It also explores how Israel differentiates between different regions, circles of importance, and countries in Asia rather than sees Asia as a monolithic whole. This groundbreaking book concludes by assessing the overall state of relations at present and likely future developments.
語言 en
ISBN 9781032328805

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