
學年 110
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2022-06-15
作品名稱 Asian Territorial and Maritime Disputes: A Critical Introduction
著者 Moises de Souza; Gregory Coutaz; Dean Karalekas
出版者 E-International Relations
摘要 This volume is designed to be a practical, yet critical, introduction to the main maritime and territorial disputes in the Indo-Pacific region. It covers the most controversial disputes, including those in the South China Sea, the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, Dokdo/Takeshima, the Kuril Islands, Taiwan, and Sino-India border issues. In addition, the role of the key actors in the region is examined, offering various perspectives on the disputes along with the basic rationales behind claimant nations’ diplomatic approaches. With a team of contributors made up of both senior and early-career scholars, diplomats, and legal specialists, the book provides a wide range of insights that go beyond what is provided in the media.
語言 en
ISBN 9781910814635

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