
學年 104
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2016-03-05
作品名稱 “These Sentences Sounded Like Me”: Transformative Accommodation in L2 Writing
著者 Pei-Hsun Emma Liu
出版者 Utah State University Press
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Tutoring second language writers in the writing center
摘要 As a tutor while I was in graduate school in the United States, I regularly faced a dilemma with international students who brought their own cultural heritage to academic writing in the United States. This cultural heritage represents values learned over many years and may consist of the rhetorical norms they were taught in schools back home, the ideology about privileged languages, and the aesthetics of nonacademic discourse they bring with them from homes, communities, nationalities, and races (see also Amevuvor, this volume). Should tutors encourage international students to accommodate fully to US norms, or should we permit second language...
語言 en_US
ISBN 9781607324065

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