學年 | 110 |
學期 | 2 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2022-02-24 |
作品名稱 | Efficacies of Nitrogen Removal and Comparisons of Microbial Communities in Full-Scale (Pre-Anoxic Systems) Municipal Water Resource Recovery Facilities at Low and High COD:TN Ratios |
作品名稱(其他語言) | |
著者 | Supaporn Phanwilai; Pongsak (Lek) Noophan; Chi-Wang Li; Kwang-Ho Cho |
單位 | |
出版者 | |
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 | Water 14(5), 720 |
摘要 | At a low COD:TN ratio (≤5) in influent, maintaining a longer HRT (≥9 h) and longer SRT (≥30 d) are suggested to improve higher N removal efficiency in case of operation at low DO (Dissolved oxygen) level (0.9 ± 0.2 mg-O2/L). However, in case of operation at high DO level (4.0 ± 0.5 mg-O2/L), short HRT (1 h) and typical SRT (17 d) make it possible to achieve nitrogen removal. On the other hand, at a high COD:TN ratio (≥8.4), a typical HRT (9–15 h), SRT (12–19 d), and DO level (1.3–2.6 mg-O2/L) would be applied. Microbial distribution analysis showed an abundance of AOA (Ammonia-oxidizing archaea) under conditions of low DO (≤0.9 mg-O2/L). Nitrosomonas sp. are mostly found in the all investigated water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs). Nitrosospira sp. are only found under operating conditions of longer SRT for WRRFs with a low COD:TN ratio. In comparison between abundances of Nitrobacter sp. and Nitrospira sp., abundances of Nitrobacter sp. are proportional to low DO concentration rather than abundance of Nitrospira sp. A predominance of nosZ-type denitrifiers were found at low DO level. Abundance of denitrifiers by using nirS genes showed an over-abundance of denitrifiers by using nirK genes at low and high COD:TN ratios. |
關鍵字 | pre-anoxic;COD:TN;nitrogen removal;microbial communities |
語言 | en_US |
ISSN | 2073-4441 |
期刊性質 | 國外 |
收錄於 | SCI |
產學合作 | |
通訊作者 | |
審稿制度 | 否 |
國別 | CHE |
公開徵稿 | |
出版型式 | ,電子版 |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/122380 ) |