學年 | 101 |
學期 | 2 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2013-06-01 |
作品名稱 | 國科會性別與科技規劃推動計畫(III) |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Studies on Gender-Science Related Isuues and Cultivation/Promotion of Women Scientists |
著者 | 吳嘉麗; 林昭吟; 戴明鳳; 宋鴻燕; 彭渰雯 |
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描述 | |
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摘要 | 本計劃以下列三項主題做三年的規劃: (一) 推廣並培育女性科技人才 (1) 國際女性科學家會議—每三年舉辦一次, 2013/9/14-17 辦理。 (2) 性別科技人才相關學術活動 女科技人 EMPOWER 輔導計畫—2011-2013 年試選數校推動實施 女科技人學術研討會—2012/9/15-16 辦理 拍攝【女科技人的一天】系列紀錄片—完成拍攝六集共九位女科技人各30分鐘記錄片,並附英文字幕;徵選【性別科技為電影】優勝一名,佳作五名。 理工校園性別 G 測工作坊—2011-2013 年辦理北中南東各區擇校辦理 性別/科技夏(冬)令營—2012-2013 年辦理南北二場 『性別如何融入中學數理教科書』研習營—2013/8/2辦理 國科會性別與科技專案團隊運作諮詢會—每年定期開會,共計三次 (3) 科學營或科普活動—不定期辦理 (4) 人文社會科學講座—不定期辦理 (5) 相關展覽活動—以科學與性別為主題,2011 及2012 設計不同主題(居禮夫人與吳健雄博士)與其他機構合作展出 (二) 蒐集「性別與科技研究」及「鼓勵並培育女性科技人才」之國內、外相關資料,並建置分享機制。 (三) 建立性別與科技資料庫— (1) 資料庫建置與維護 (2) 統計與分析報告 This project proposes three subjects to work on in three years. First subject is “Cultivation of women scientists”, the work includes the following items: (1)Organizing International Female Scientist Conference in 2013. (2) Organizing activities involving the academic research of female scientists, such as (i) EMPOWER Program for women scientists in 2011 and 2012, (ii) Professional conference for female scientists in 2012, (iii) Film series for recording women scientists in Taiwan (30-min documentary for six films in three years), (iv)Gender-test workshop at campus of Science of Engineering Universities, (v) Gender and Science summer/winter camp in 2012-13 in south and north Taiwan ), (vi) “How to infuse gender equality into textbooks for middle-school science courses” workshop in 2013, and (vii) Workshop on the progress of the present project for all group members (every year); (3) Science camps for high school girls as well as for junior high school girls in various forms throughout the project, Female scientists visit rural areas for lectures on daily sciences (at least five times each year), Lectures on gender and science for publics and various exhibitions related to gender and science, which will be an collective effort with other institutes or organizations. The second subject is “Gender and technology policy study”, the work involves data collection from Taiwan and other countries about government policies and research results on gender and technology, hoping to develop the sharing mechanism. The third subject is “Establishing database for gender and science studies in Taiwan”. The work includes data collection, up-dated statistics and analysis. |
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語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/117771 ) |