
學年 105
學期 2
發表日期 2017-07-12
作品名稱 Investigation of the impact of ground pad positioning on skin burns during radiofrequency ablation treatments
著者 Huang-Wen Huang; Fu-Yi Hung; Lin Hui
會議名稱 The 6th International Conference on Frontier Computing - Theory, Technologies and Applications
會議地點 Osaka, Japan
摘要 Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) technique has been widely used around the world as a minimally invasive treatments, particularly for primary and metastatic liver tumors, as well as tumors in kidneys, bones and skins. In practical, this technique by which deposition of electromagnetic energy is used to thermally heat tissues can cause dispersive ground pad site burns. However when electrode pad site burns for skin tumor treatments could also produce high temperatures at the edges or at the corner of the pads attached to the patients’ body. Skin burn at the ground pad has become a limiting factor for further increasing in ablation volume dimensions and generator power. The objective of the study is to investigate factors of leading ground pad burns and propose solutions via computer simulation in order to provide better healthcare for patients. As a result, larger ground pad may reduce high temperatures at edges or corners of the pad, however the corners and edges of the heating pad may increase tissue temperatures.
關鍵字 Radiofrequency ablation (RFA);Dispersive ground pad;Thermal skin burns;Pennes Bio-heat transfer;electrical conductivity
語言 en
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20170712~20170714
國別 JPN
出處 The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/110571 )