
學年 104
學期 2
發表日期 2016-07-27
作品名稱 Using DEA to Measure Retention Efficiency of Cross-Strait Non-Life Insurance Companies
著者 Chang, Ya-Ying; Kao, Tong-Liang; Chen, Ying-Erh
會議名稱 2016 China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management
會議地點 Xi'an, China
摘要 Non-life insurance market in Taiwan has been more competitive in recent years. Therefore, non-life insurance companies change their reinsurance planning and retention strategy to increase their net retained underwriting profit which represents actually final underwriting profit after reinsurance. This study uses two-stage DEA to measure the insurer’s operating efficiency in marketing stage and retention stage, and also uses one-stage DEA to measure net retention efficiency directly. We find that the net retention efficiency of Taiwan is better than that of China by using one-stage DEA. When using two-stage DEA, we find the marketing efficiency of Taiwan is better than that of China, but the retention efficiency seems to be not consistent across the strait. This study also uses tobit regression to find the factors influencing the efficiency above. The results reveal that direct written premiums and overall retention ratio are the significantly factors in Taiwan, while the non-automobile Insurance ratio in China.
關鍵字 Non-life insurance;Efficiency;DEA;Tobit regression
語言 zh
會議性質 兩岸
研討會時間 20160727~20160730
國別 CHN
出處 2016 China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/107630 )