As proof of educational quality and upgrading competitiveness of graduates in the global job market,
business schools in Taiwan committed towards the goal of obtaining accreditation from Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB), this paper exams the impact of AACSB accreditation on students’ Organization Socialization, Person-Organization Fit (P-O Fit), and learning outcomes. In addition, this study compares organizations with AACSB and those without AACSB accreditation, examining whether significant differences exist regarding student behavior, effectiveness of learning,
organizational identification, organizational citizenship behavior, learning satisfaction, and wishes to transfer to another department or school. The results show that Organization Socialization, through P-O Fit, would positively affect students’effectiveness of learning, organizational identification, organizational citizenship behavior, and learning satisfaction, and inversely affect students' desire to transfer to other school. Overall speaking, this research offers proof of AACSB accreditation as guaranteeof educational quality |