
學年 100
學期 2
發表日期 2012-05-02
作品名稱 企業社會責任對消費者購買意圖之影響─以企業認同作為中介變數
作品名稱(其他語言) The Effects of Consumer's Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility on Purchase Intention – Treat Consumer-Corporate Identification as a Mediator
著者 謝宜樺; 楊運澄
會議名稱 2012會計趨勢與教育研討會-IFRS對經濟與法治之影響
會議地點 中國文化大學, 臺北, 臺灣
摘要 由於企業的獲利來自於消費者的購買,在消費者意識抬頭的今日,企業的行為若無法符合消費者的期待,消費者將不會進行購買行為,如今消費者在購買物品時不只是在意產品的品質以及價格,企業社會責任對於消費者購買行為有很大的影響。因此本研究使用問卷調查作為研究方法,將消費者企業認同當作中介變數,從最主要的利害關係人─消費者的觀點,探討台灣的消費者是否對於企業履行社會責任有所回應,對企業產生認同,進一步產生購買產品的行為。本研究探討消費者對企業社會責任的認知(經濟責任、法律責任、倫理責任與慈善責任)及消費者企業認同的相關性,以及對消費者購買意圖的影響。研究結果顯示企業社會責任對消費者企業認同與購買意圖有顯著正向影響,而消費者企業認同可以是企業社會責任對購買意圖的中介變數。 This study focuses on consumer behavior, because the corporate profits mainly come from the consumers' purchasing. If the action of enterprise meets consumer expectations, consumers would purchase their products. Consumers don’t only care about the quality and price of the product when they intend to purchase products. An enterprise CSR performance has a great influence on consumer purchase behavior. Therefore, this study used questionnaires to investigate whether consumers would respond to corporate social responsibility, identify with the corporate, and then purchase the product. This study explored the relationship among the corporate social responsibility, consumer- corporate identification and purchase intention. The empirical results reveal that corporate social responsibility and consumer- corporate identification have a significantly positive influence on purchase intention. The consumer- corporate identification mediates between the corporate social responsibility and purchase intention.
關鍵字 企業社會責任;消費者企業認同;購買意圖;Corporate Social Responsibility;Consumer-Corporate Identification;Purchase Intention
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20120502~20120502
國別 TWN
出處 2012會計趨勢與教育研討會-IFRS對經濟與法治之影響

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/107246 )