
學年 92
學期 1
發表日期 2003-11-03
作品名稱 全球化下的反恐趨勢與兩岸民間交流
作品名稱(其他語言) Anti-terrorism and Cross-Strait Non-governmental Communication in Globalization
著者 張五岳; 李華球
作品所屬單位 淡江大學中國大陸研究所
會議名稱 第三屆兩岸遠景論壇:全球化趨勢下的反恐與兩岸關係研討會
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 當前恐怖主義行動的漫無國界、著無邊際,使得國際各界防不勝防,迄目前為止還未能找到最佳的解決之道。而臺海兩岸亦不能置身於外,這正是雙方必須正視和面對的重大挑戰。兩岸因為政治現實問題的難以突破,無法簽訂具有「法實效」的反恐協議,建立常態化的反恐機制。是以,必須透過民間非政府組織( Non-government organization, NGO),來協力推動共同防範打擊恐怖主義行動,藉以尋求安全共識,讓共同反恐的合作意願,降低雙方的敵對意識,昇華互信互助的友好態度,共同為打擊恐怖主義及兩岸的民間交流而努力。我們必須指出,兩岸的民間反恐合作,畢竟只是民間的性質而已,然而反恐大蠡,事關百端,並非只停留在民間層級,就能解決此一重大工程。拋開意識形態的糾葛,放掉歷史包袱的情結,借鏡國際合作模式,共同致力於反恐合作,才是較為務實的做法。 Currently terrorism has transcended national boundary and been endangering international society in the age of globalization. Up till now, no such panacea has been found yet to guard national and international security confronted by terrorism. Mainland China and Taiwan cannot exempt from the international challenge either. For the time being, Mainland China and Taiwan have not reached any" legal-efficient" agreement on anti-terrorism, nor established a normal anti-terrorism system owing to the present political deadlock. In this case, Cross-Straits communication by non-governmental organizations can be sought as an alternative but feasible channel to build Cross-Straits consensus of security and promote the cooperation on anti-terrorism. Moreover, the possible Cross-Straits cooperation initiated by nongovernmental communication is expected to further reduce official hostility and increase mutual trust, which contribute to healthy Cross-Straits communication in turn. In conclusion, however possible and fruitful the Cross-Straits nongovernmental cooperation on anti-terrorism is expected to be, official cooperation of Cross-Straits on anti-terrorism shall not be ignored or denied for the rigid ideological confrontation. It is pragmatic for Cross-Straits governments to start to communicate and cooperate on national security and global anti-terrorism to which the lives of all Cross-Straits people are closely related.
關鍵字 全球化;反恐;民間交流;兩岸關係;Globalization;Counter-Terrorism;People To People Exchange;Cross-Strait Relations
語言 zh_TW
研討會時間 20031103~20031104
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 第三屆兩岸遠景論壇:全球化趨勢下的反恐與兩岸關係學術論文集

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/94876 )
