
學年 90
學期 1
發表日期 2001-08-23
作品名稱 剛性鋪面評估與維修智慧型諮詢系統之研究:評估系統雛型之建立
作品名稱(其他語言) Intelligent Consultant System for Concrete Pavement Evaluation and Rehabilitation
著者 張貴祿; 顏少棠; 李英豪
作品所屬單位 淡江大學土木工程學系
會議名稱 第十一屆鋪面工程學術研討會=The 11th Conference on Pavement Engineering
會議地點 高雄, 臺灣
摘要 本研究主要目的在建立一套針對個案階層管理方式的剛性鋪面評估與維修智慧型諮詢系統。首先,本研究為了使鋪面管理工作能確切落實執行,研究中以「個案階層」管理方式之觀念,採用「均質路段」之定義作為路段分段方式,配合路段中隨機抽樣的方式進行調查工作。接著,本研究為了統一國內鋪面破壞資料調查之標準,研究中以美國長期鋪面績效評估(LTPP)計劃之鋪面調查手冊為藍本,配合我國交通部所訂定之公路養護手冊等相關規定,建立一套適合於本土的剛性鋪面破壞調查手冊。此外,本研究亦參考國外知名之知識庫專家系統程式中的決策樹,考慮國內需求並適度地加以修改,以評估剛性鋪面破壞之成因並建議因應之對策。研究中並選定國外較為典型的鋪面破壞預估模式,以預估剛性鋪面在未維修情況下未來的破壞狀況。最後,本研究並撰寫一套視窗化「智慧型鋪面養護與維修技術諮詢系統」(ICSMART) -評估系統程式之雛型,以整合上述研究成果。本程式可利用隨機抽樣的鋪面破壞調查資料,作單一路段鋪面的結構性與功能性評估,包括鋪面破壞的成因,預估鋪面在未維修情況下可能的破壞程度、破壞趨勢等。 Portland cement concrete has gradually been recognized as analternative pavement material in our highway pavement community due toits high rigidity and superior bearing capacity to accommodateTaiwan's dramatically increasing traffic loading as compared toconventional asphalt concrete. Since there exists no standardizedevaluation procedure for concrete (rigid) pavements in Taiwan'sPavement Maintenance Management System (PMMS), this study firstproposed a distress identification manual for rigid pavements based onthe Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) definitions and domesticconsiderations. Furthermore, the PMMS was originally developed underthe ideal framework of total pavement management system, whereas thepavement network is defined by thousands of very short " fixed-lengthsections." After more than 10 years of system implementation, the PMMScan barely meet the needs for "network-level" as well as"project-level" management purposes till now due to extremedifficulties in the requirement of mass data collections andcompilations. Thus, this study focused on the study of intelligentconsultant system for concrete pavement evaluation and rehabilitation- development of a prototype evaluation system using the concepts of"uniform sections", "project-level" management, as well as theintegration of a computerized Knowledge-Base Expert System (KBES).Many decision trees and prediction models for pavement structural andfunctional evaluation originally developed under the well-known EXPEARprogram were obtained and modified according to domestic pavementperformance and construction practices. Consequently, a prototypeIntelligent Consultant System for Pavement Maintenance AndRehabilitation Technologies (ICSMART) program was developed with manyWindows-based graphical user interfaces. The prototype systemcurrently has the basic features of identification of pavementdistresses and causes, evaluation of present condition; prediction offuture condition prior to rehabilitation.
關鍵字 剛性鋪面;鋪面維修;鋪面管理系統;鋪面破壞;Rigid Pavement;Pavement Maintenance;Pavement Management System;Pavement Distress
語言 zh_TW
研討會時間 20010823~20010824
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 2001第十一屆鋪面工程學術研討會論文集=Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Pavement Engineering

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/94833 )
