
學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-08-01
作品名稱 漣漪差排形成的機制與無漣漪差排具雙重尺度表粗薄膜的應用
作品名稱(其他語言) The Formation Mechanism of the Ripple Dislocation and Application of the Ripple Dislocation-Free Films with Dual-Scale Surface Roughness
著者 林清彬
單位 淡江大學機械與機電工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2221-E032-020
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Our previous research revealed that the PDMS elastomeric film with constrain tensile strain and thin gold film on the surface by sputtering, and then released the tensile strain, the ripple structure was formed on the surface of PDMS. During the history of the ripple structure was formed on the large area surface of PDMS, the ripple dislocation easily happened in the ripple structure. Because of a little related literature explore experimental validation and theoretical analysis of the isolated ripple dislocation slip, the first year of this project probes into: (1)formation mechanism of the lattice ripple dislocation, the Y-type ripple dislocation and the sessile dislocation;(2)the effect of annealing treatment and strain recovery rate on ripple dislocation annihilation;(3)the function relationship between stress and slip velocity of the isolated ripple dislocation;(5) the effect of temperature on slip behavior of the isolated ripple dislocation. Firstly, we fabricate a PDMS films with ripple dislocation-free according to the experimental results of the first year, and then we provide a novel mean to mass fabricate the PDMS film with consisting dual-scale roughness, whose surface roughness can reversibly regulate by applying mechanical strain and exhibits mechanically-tunable wetting and sliding behaviors. The second year of this project probes into: (1)the ripple structures with different wavelength fabricate by tensile method at various Young’s modulus and thickness of the coated-layer and tensile strain;(2)the nickel molds replicate from PDMS elastomeric films with various wavelength’s ripple structure by electroforming;(3)a nano-scale metered pattern forms on the ripple structure surface of the nickel mold by surface treatment; (4)PDMS elastomeric films with dual-scale surface roughness fabricate by UV nanoimprinting using surface treated nickel mold;(5)the effect of dual-roughness on wetting behavior of the distilled water on PDMS films with dual-structured surface;(6) the effect of tensile strain on wetting behavior of the distilled water on PDMS films with dual-structured surface;(7)the wetting and sliding behavior of the dual-structured surface reversibly turn by applying mechanical strain。 本研究將聚二甲基矽氧烷薄膜給予拉伸及固定應變後,於薄膜表面濺鍍沈積一層 金鍍層,經應變回復後,於薄膜表面會形成漣漪結構及漣漪差排。由於目前較少文獻 探討漣漪差排的形成機制及孤立漣漪差排的滑移行為,其中孤立漣漪差排的定義,係 100 個漣漪結構只有單一顆漣漪差排,選定100 個漣漪結構的理由係此孤立漣漪差排的 滑移不受其他漣漪差排交互作用的影響。本研究第一年主要探討:(1)晶格漣漪差排、Y 型漣漪差排與固定差排的形成機制;(2)退火溫度與時間及應變回復速率對減少漣漪差 排數量的影響;(3)應力對孤立漣漪差排滑移速度的影響;(4)溫度場對孤立漣漪差排之滑 移速度的影響。本研究第二年提出一種新穎製程,可一次製得具雙重尺度表粗的鎳模 仁,及藉由壓印技術製造超疏水性的PDMS 彈性體,主要的研究工作,包括:(1)藉由 改變金屬鍍層之楊氏模數、鍍層厚度及拉伸應變,製造不同波長漣漪結構之PDMS 薄 膜;(2)藉由電鑄製程,將不同波長漣漪結構之PDMS 薄膜翻製成鎳模仁;(3)藉由表面處 理,在具漣漪結構的鎳模仁表面形成奈米結構(或奈米表粗);(4)使用壓印製程,翻製超 疏水性的PDMS 彈性體;(5)探討去離子水對不同雙重尺度表粗PDMS 彈性體之潤濕行為 影響;(6)探討不同拉伸應變對去離子水在雙重尺度表粗PDMS 彈性體之潤濕性行為影 響;(7)探討不同應變回復對去離子水在雙重尺度表粗PDMS 彈性體潤濕行為之可逆調 變和滑動角度之影響。
關鍵字 Polydimethylsiloxane; ripple dislocation; slip; electroforming; surface roughness; wetting; reversibly
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/77087 )
