
學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-08-01
作品名稱 探索電子窗飾行為對網路交易意圖的影響
作品名稱(其他語言) Exploring the Impacts of Electronic Window Dressing Behaviors on Online Transaction Intention
著者 方郁惠
單位 淡江大學會計學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2410-H032-017
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Exploring the Impacts of Electronic Window Dressing Behaviors on Online Transaction Intention The Internet has opened up a new avenue not only for individual and business to expand their business online but also for perpetrators to commit a deception. Given the inability of online consumers to examine the product before purchasing, online interactivity thus can serve as a useful and complementary means to capture extra cues in the purchase decision. Accordingly, this study explores the underlying behaviors germane to online interactivity—electronic window dressing behaviors (EWDB)—to determine their enhancing and inhibiting effects on online consumers’ perceptions and transaction intentions. Through the lenses of theory of impression management (IM) and the Theory of Deception, this study reformulates EWDB to fit the context of online marketplaces. Building on previous work, this study conceptualizes EWDB as deceptive IM or the conscious distortions of information to respond to potential online customers in behalf of obtaining better opportunities on online transactions and otherwise generating favorable perceptions. In addition, according to the stimulus–organism–response paradigm, EWDB by an online seller (stimulus) may affect customers’ cognitive perceptions (perceived diagnosticity and perceived deception) (organism), which in turn may influence their purchase intention or behaviors (response). Data will be collected from customers of Yahoo-Kimo online auction to test the research model. Implications for theory and practice and suggestions for future research will be discussed. 探索電子窗飾行為對網路交易意圖之影響 網際網路提供個人及企業擴展網路商機,但同時也開啟網路詐欺的機會。基於網路購物無法在事前檢驗商品的限制,線上互動的溝通方式能協助消費者捕捉更多線索、資訊,幫助消費者網路購物之決策。因此,此研究將探討與線上互動相關的行為(即所謂的電子窗飾行為),及其對網路交易意圖之正面及負面之影響。本研究根據印象管理理論及欺騙理論來重塑適合網路市場情境之電子窗飾行為。本研究將電子窗飾行為定義為欺騙的印象管理或對資訊的故意扭曲行為,以作為回應線上消費者時,能爭取到較佳的網路交易機會,或塑造成有利的形象。此外,本研究根據刺激組織回應(S-O-R)架構,提出線上賣家所表現的電子窗飾行為(刺激)會透過影響線上消費者的認知診斷性及認知欺騙(組織)之形成,間接影響消費者網路交易意圖(回應)之研究模型。本研究將從Yahoo!奇摩的網路拍賣之顧客蒐集資料,以驗證本研究模型。本研究也將討論理論與實務的意涵,以及對未來研究的建議。
關鍵字 印象管理; 欺騙理論; 刺激組織回應; 網路購物; 網路交易意圖; 電子窗飾行為
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76321 )
