學年 | 98 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2010-01-01 |
作品名稱 | 德勒茲與「音樂/聲響式思考」(II-III) |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Deleuze and “Musical/Acoustic Thinking” (II-III) |
著者 | 涂銘宏 |
單位 | 淡江大學英文學系 |
描述 | 計畫編號:NSC99-2410-H032-010 研究期間:20100801~20110731 研究經費:511,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | 勒茲與「音樂/聲響式思考」(2-3/3) 摘要:本三年期研究計畫聚焦於德勒茲思想中「音樂/聲音式思考」這一個或許意外、 但迫切值得注目的結點。此計畫一方面藉由音樂與跨/去媒介特質來切入德勒茲思想; 另一方面追溯從萊布尼茲、尼采到德勒茲這條以情感力(affect)為主軸的音樂式哲學譜 系,如何從音樂/聲響出發,進而處理語言與視覺霸權近年來受到感覺文化(tactile culture) 衝擊下所產生的新興論述。本研究計畫試圖探討音樂/聲響如何幫助了解德勒茲的一些 棘手概念(如重複、褶皺、晶體與根莖等),以及德勒茲與德國唯心主義美學(如黑格爾、 康德與齊克果)針對音樂的「直接與中介性」(immediacy and intermediacy)的區隔與反 思。從德勒茲如何描繪巴洛克跨藝術媒介的關係出發,爬梳德勒茲思想中作為逃逸路線 的音樂式思考,以及他對藝術轉譯或聽/視覺及感官文化研究的啟示,本計畫將深入研 究在日常生活情境中,無形體卻無所不在的音樂/聲響之解疆域與流變特質。三年計畫 主題分別為:「褶皺、巴洛克藝術與萊布尼茲的和聲學」;「情感力與異質裝配:音樂與 聲像轉碼中的跨/解疆域」;「德勒茲、聽覺文化與音樂式思考」。 Deleuze and “Musical/acoustic Thinking” (2-3/3) Abstract Current researches of the unwavering impact of Deleuze on media and cultural studies tend to focalize primarily on image and cinema and by and large ignore the unexpected yet compelling conjunction between Deleuzian theories and “musical/acoustic thinking”. On one hand, this project aims to approach Deleuzian thoughts from various nodes between music and deterritorialization and, on the other hand, traces the lineage of affect philosophy from Leibniz, Nietzsche to Deleuze. I will further investigate how this “regime of affect” can illuminate the fiercely contested hegemony of language and vision, under the rubric of recent studies of acoustic and tactile culture. This project also investigates how music/sound can help us grapple with some tricky but persistent tropes in Deleuzian thoughts (such as repetition, fold, crystal and rhizome), which seek to violently break off from the biased Idealistic positions (in Hegel, Kant and Kierkegaard) on music’s immediacy and intermediacy. Using Deleuze’s complex delineation of inter-art relations in Baroque as points of departure, this project examines music’s “line of flight” in Deleuzian philosophy and its impact on inter-art transcoding and tactile culture, particularly in conjunction with “invisible but ubiquitous” music/sound’s becoming and deterritorializing forces in arts and everyday life. |
關鍵字 | 德勒茲; 尼采; 解疆域; 音樂/聲響式思考; 聽/視覺文化; 千層台 Deleuze; Nietzsche; deterritorialization; musical/acoustic thinking; acoustic/visual culture; A Thousand Plateaus |
語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/76205 ) |