學年 | 99 |
學期 | 2 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2011-06-01 |
作品名稱 | 結合生物及高級氧化程序處理金屬絡合染料製程廢水 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Combination of Biological and Advanced Oxidation Process for Treating Wastewater Generated from Production of Metal Complex Dyes |
著者 | 李奇旺 |
單位 | 淡江大學水資源及環境工程學系 |
描述 | 計畫編號:NSC100-2622-E032-002-CC3
 研究經費:523,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | 本計畫主要目的是發展一薄膜生物程序(MBR)結合高級氧化處理程序(Advanced Oxidation Process, AOP)處理生產油溶性金屬絡合染料之新製程廢水,使其達到斗六工業區之納管標準(COD≦440 mg/L、BOD≦290 mg/L 與SS≦220 mg/L)。目前新製程廢水之水量約50 CMD,其COD 與色度分 別為12000~20000 mg/L 及3000~6000 ADMI。初步研究發現化學混凝方法無法有效處理新製程廢 水,但新製程廢水中的有機物約40%是可生物分解的。因此本研究團隊將結合生物處理程序與AOP 來處理金屬絡合染料廢水,探討不同處理流程的差異與不同高級氧化程序的效率,並比較其處理操 作費用、污泥清運費用等作全面的經濟性評估,作為未來建廠的依據。 由於原水與生物處理之出流水其色度仍高,因此本研究不考慮使用光催化相光之AOP,本研究團隊 將測試比較Fenton、Fe2++S2O8 2-、零價鐵(ZVI)+H2O2、ZVI+S2O8 2-與電解氧化等方法,實驗將分為 兩階段,第一階段直接以AOP 方法處理金屬絡合染料製程廢水,第二階段廢水將先經過生物處理 後,再以AOP 方法處理。 本研發計畫主要目的為降解高濃度金屬絡合染料廢水,探討適合處理此類廢水的處理流程,以降低 對環境造成之危害。對以現今及未來之問題解決上,可分為下列重點: 1. 提供一個有效且易於操作之處理程序。2. 減少廢水處理之藥品使用。3. 可以降低處理設備 體積。 In this study, membrane biological process (MBR) will be employed followed by advanced oxidation process (AOP) for treating wastewater generated from a new production process of metal complex dyes. The goal is to treat the wastewater to meet the discharge standards of effluent (COD≦440 mg/L, BOD≦290 mg/L, and SS≦220 mg/L) set by Douliou Industrial Park. The amount of wastewater generated from the new production process is around 50 CMD with COD and color of 12000~20000 mg/L and 3000~6000 ADMI, respectively. Preliminary evaluation shows that chemical coagulation is not effective for this wastewater. However, it is shown that more than 40% of COD is biodegradable. Therefore, MBR followed by AOP is proposed to treat this wastewater. The purposes of the study are to investigate the effectiveness of MBR and AOPs, and to do the economic comparison of these processes. The results can be used to design the new wastewater treatment and to operate the new treatment plant when it is commenced. Since color of the original wastewater and effluent of MBR is still very high, light related AOPs are not recommended. Instead, Fenton, Fe2++S2O8 2-, ZVI+H2O2, ZVI+S2O8 2-, and electrooxidation will be tested. The study will include two phases. In the first phase, AOPs will be applied to treat raw wastewater, and the second phase, AOPs will be employed after raw water being treated with MBR. The objective of this study is to design a treatment process suitable for treating wastewater containing metal complex dyes. The final goals are to design an effective and simple treatment process, to reduce chemical cost for wastewater treatment, and to minimize footprint of the treatment process. |
關鍵字 | |
語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/75928 ) |